Sheng-Wen Lo »
Extendable Ears
Exhibition: 21 Feb – 28 Jun 2020

Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
Keizersgracht 609
1017 DS Amsterdam
+31 (0)20-5516500
Mon-Wed 10-18; Thu-Fri 10-21; Sat-Sun 10-18

OFFICIAL OPENING & PERFORMANCE Thursday 20 February from 17.30 hrs onwards
For the first new Foam 3h exhibition of 2020, the floor has been given to the artist Sheng-Wen Lo (Taiwan, 1987) with his project Extendable Ears.
In many of his projects Lo discusses the relationship between humans and non-humans in contemporary societies. In Extendable Ears he exposes himself to ultrasound waves, which have frequencies above the audible human range. In order to tackle the human-centric experience of noise, Lo created a wearable device that enabled him to hear ultrasound waves in the way that most pets do. Although it is proven that these waves can cause damage to animals, humans are unaware that they produce these ultrasound waves. For one month, Lo wore the device day and night, and captured his daily experiences as a test subject in videos, 360° photographs, and photographic scans of a dream diary he kept during his experience.

Sheng-Wen Lo (Taiwan, 1987) is currently an artist-in-residence at Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. He obtained a MA in photography at the Academy for Art and Design St Joost in the Netherlands. He completed an MsC in Computer Science from the Computer Music Lab at National Taiwan University. Lo is creative director of Lightbox, a public photo library and a center of contemporary photography at Taipei. He was a nominee of the Foam Paul Huf Award (2019) and the Prix Pictet Photography Prize (2019), and a fellowship recipient of De Nederlandsche Bank and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds/Prince Claus Fund (2019). His recent works were shown in EYE Filmmuseum, World Press Photo, BredaPhoto, LhGWR and Fotofestival Naarden in The Netherlands.