Measure Your Existence
Felix Gonzalez-Torres » Shilpa Gupta » Tehching Hsieh » Meiro Koizumi » LEE Mingwei » Taryn Simon »
Exhibition: 7 Feb 2020 – 25 Jan 2021
Rubin Museum of Art
150 West 17th Street
NY 10011 New York
Tue-Sun 11-17+
Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art
150 West 17th Street
NY 10011 New York
Tue-Sun 11-17+
The fleeting, impermanent here and now—in all its destruction, regeneration, and intense immediacy—is the ultimate reality. The exhibition Measure Your Existence questions and expands the Buddhist concept of impermanence through artworks by six contemporary artists who explore duration, survival, memory, fate, history, loss, disappearance, and reappearance.
Visitors are called upon to co-produce, participate, and intimately experience works of art through time-based and durational installations. The exhibition creates ephemeral moments of reflection and meaning, inspiring personal recollection and reminiscence.
Measure Your Existence is organized by guest curator Christine Starkman and produced by the Rubin Museum of Art, featuring artworks by Tehching Hsieh, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Lee Mingwei, Shilpa Gupta, Meiro Koizumi, and Taryn Simon.
Measure Your Existence is supported by the Ministry of Culture (Taiwan) and Taipei Cultural Center in New York.