Karin Borghouts » Hans de Kort »
Exhibition: 16 Feb – 16 Aug 2020
Mon 1 Jun

Vincent van Gogh Huis
Markt 26-27
4881 CN Zundert
Wed-Fri 10-17, Sat, Sun 12-17

Hans de Kort
"No photo from Van Gogh"
Karin Borghouts
"Vincent was here"
Exhibition: 16 February - 16 August 2020
Hans de Kort (NL *1963) photographs in the ‘wet plate collodion’ technique. This classic method where a unique image is made on glass or metal already existed in van Gogh’s childhood. De Kort has therefore visited the places from Vincent’s youth with a wooden bellows camera captured images of the headstone of his stillborn brother, the flower tree in the garden of the birthplace and sunflowers from the vegetable garden at the Protestant Church. In addition, he composed still lifes in his studio following van Gogh’s paintings of two worker’s shoes, a stuffed bat and the head of a skeleton with burning cigarette. Because Vincent himself had an aversion to the colorless photography, the short series titled ‘No Photos from Van Gogh’ has been released. For the occasion, he offers signed saltprints in a limited edition.

Karin Borghouts (BE *1959) was fascinated by Van Gogh after photographing a reproduction of a painting of him in the burnt house of her parents. This was the beginning of a long journey in the footsteps of van Gogh. Of course, he started in his birth place Zundert, where she not only captured the church and landscapes, but also made an extensive photo series of the house of Vincent Godmothers that is being demolished. Her Wanderings further brought her into the Borinage, Nuenen, Paris, Arles, Saint-Rémy-de Provence and Auvers-Sur-Oise. The images of these locations filled them with photographic interpretations of his still lifes and are bundled in the publication 'Vincent was here'. This book, which is a great sequel to the previous publications of Emmy Andriesse (1953) and Paul Huf (1990), is a work of art in itself. During the exhibition, a special edition will be offered with a signed print of Borghouts.