Malou Bumbum » Ilyes Griyeb » Hassan Kurbanbaev » Randa Maroufi » Alicia Mersy » Sarker Protick » Shadman Shahid » Karolina Wojtas »
Festival: 18 Jul – 20 Sep 2020
Studio Noorderlicht

Noorderlicht | House of Photography
Akerkhof 12
9711 JB Groningen
+31 (0)50-3182227

Wisdom Fertilizer (2018)
one channel video, 5:39 min.
Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2020
- the 27th edition is about Generation Z
- 36 artists at four locations
18 July - 20 September, 2020: MAIN FESTIVAL (Heerenveen, NL)
4 July - 20 September, 2020: YOUNG CURATORS (Groningen, NL)
The 27th edition of the Noorderlicht International Photo Festival kick-offs at four locations in Heerenveen and Groningen, the Netherlands. ’Generation Z’ presents work by 36 photographers and filmmakers, about the mindset and energy of the youngest generation of world citizens, born after 1995. What is their place in society, how do they see their future, what are their ambitions?
The entire Noorderlicht International Photo Festival 2020 runs from 18 July, but the Young Curators exhibition will already take-off on July 4th in the Noorderlicht Studio in Groningen. Noorderlicht thus continues the mentoring program Young Curators, which was launched last year. Two young curators put together an exhibition under the guidance of Noorderlicht that thematically flanks the main festival: for the 2020 edition, the curators are Sydney Rahimtoola (US, 1993) and Hanane El Ouardani (NL, 1994).
They both feel that the cultural climate of today is in desperate need of alternating voices and stories, in order to emphasize the importance of coexistence. The eight artists in ‘Tell me,’ come from very different parts of the globe and represent different spectrums of cultural identity. What they share is their flair for storytelling, which is inclusive and reflective of their world. Together, their stories exchange a dialogue between the individual and collective experience of identity. Sometimes, the artist’s stories clash or complement each other. But that only conveys the richness and diversity of identity politics and it highlights how the new generation of creative makers can manifest a space where their narratives coexist with each other.
Hassan Kurbanbaev (UZ) | Karolina Wojtas (PL) | Malou Bumbum (DK) | Randa Maroufi (FR) | Shadman Shahid (BD) | Alicia Mersy (CA) | Ilyes Griyeb (MA) | Sarker Protick (BD)
Noorderlicht Studio
4 July - 20 September, 2020
Akerkhof 12, Groningen NL
Tue - Sun from 11 am to 6 pm

Generation Z
The artists selected by guest curator Robert Jan Verhagen paint a picture of a generation that has an infinite amount of information at its disposal, faces an exhausted earth and grows up in times of economic stagnation and nationalistic sentiments. But they also show us a group that focuses on fundamental emancipation processes, sustainability and inclusivity. Generation Z represents a change in thinking and acting that will affect all generations.
Open Student Call: Noorderlicht Futurama
In addition to the regular open call, Noorderlicht has put out an Open Student Call, asking visual media students worldwide to create a single image that expresses the impact of the corona crisis on their lives. Noorderlicht received no less than 144 entries from 37 countries, that are exhibited in the open-air in Museumpark Oranjewoud Estate, next to Museum Belvédère.
Noorderlicht Studio: Young Curators
The Noorderlicht Studio in Groningen presents ‘Tell me,’. Sydney Rahimtoola (US, 1993) and Hanane El Ouardani (NL, 1994) programmed the second edition of the Young Curators mentor program and invited eight artists to take a quirky look at the festival theme.
Imagining Science: Robin Alysha Clemens
Museum Belvédère shows a preview of the series 'Emerging Adulthood' (working title) by Dutch photographer Robin Alysha Clemens (1992) as part of the long-term collaboration project 'Imagining Science' by Noorderlicht and the University of Groningen.
The festival takes place in Museum Belvédère, Afslag BLV, Museum Galerie Heerenveen (all Heerenveen) and the Noorderlicht Studio Groningen.
Reservations must be made for Museum Belvédère and the Noorderlicht Studio. Both other locations have free entrance and no reservations need to be made. There are no passe-partouts this edition.
Here is more information about entrance fees, opening hours, accessibility and reservations.

single channel video, 20:00 min.

Courtesy of East Wing Gallery

single channel video, 20:00 min.