Foam Talent 2020 | Berlin
Aàdesokan » Sofia Borges » Adji Dieye » Rahima Gambo » Karla Hiraldo Voleau » Benoît Jeannet » Luther Konadu » Matthew Leifheit » Douglas Mandry » Philip Montgomery » Camillo Pasquarelli » Simone Sapienza » Micha Serraf » Hashem Shakeri » Gao Shang » Kamonlak Sukchai » Guanyu Xu » Yorgos Yatromanolakis » Alba Zari »
Exhibition: 22 Oct – 1 Nov 2020
Luckenwalder Str. 3
10963 Berlin
daily 12-18

Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
Keizersgracht 609
1017 DS Amsterdam
+31 (0)20-5516500
Mon-Wed 10-18; Thu-Fri 10-21; Sat-Sun 10-18

In light of Foam Talent 2020 Foam is organising a programme of talks and the official opening on Wednesday 21 October.
Photography in Limbo: Nurturing Talent in Times of Crisis
16.00 – 18.00 hrs
In collaboration with the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation and C/O Berlin, Foam organises a programme consisting of artist talks and Q&A’s. Several artists from this year's talent selection will present and discuss their work within the context of The New Normal, in conversation with Anne-Marie Beckmann (Director, Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation), Felix Hoffmann (Chief Curator, C/O Berlin), Marcel Feil (Director, Foam), Mirjam Kooiman (Curator, Foam) and Amelie Schüle (Project Coordinator, Foam).
Book tickets here
18.00 - 21.00 hrs
You are warmly invited to the opening of the exhibition Foam Talent 2020 | Berlin. We are happy to welcome you throughout the evening, to enjoy the exhibition and meet some of the artists and team-members of Foam.
RSVP here (mandatory)
Foam presents the exhibition Foam Talent 2020, with works from a new generation of visual artists at Kuhlhaus Berlin from 22 October - 1 November.
Each year, Foam invites photographers to submit their portfolios via the Talent Call, an international search for exceptionally talented photographers under the age of 35. Selected photographers gain international exposure and recognition within the photography industry through a number of career-building opportunities offered by Foam, including publication in Foam Magazine, participation in a travelling group exhibition and the opportunity for their work to be added to the prestigious Art Collection Deutsche Börse of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation in Frankfurt.
This year 19 artists were selected as Foam Talents 2020:
Aàdesokan (Nigeria), Sofia Borges (Brazil), Adji Dieye (Senegal/Italy), Rahima Gambo (Nigeria), Karla Hiraldo Voleau (France/Dominican Republic), Benoît Jeannet (Switzerland), Luther Konadu (Canada/Ghana), Matthew Leifheit (United States), Douglas Mandry (Switzerland), Philip Montgomery (United States), Camillo Pasquarelli (Italy), Simone Sapienza (Italy), Micha Serraf (Zimbabwe/South Africa), Hashem Shakeri (Iran), Gao Shang (China), Kamonlak Sukchai (Thailand), Guanyu Xu (China/United States), Yorgos Yatromanolakis (Greece), Alba Zari (Italy/Thailand).
These exceptional young photographers were selected out of 1.619 received submissions from 69 countries. Their portfolios were published in the internationally distributed Foam Magazine #55: Talent.
Subsequently Foam will now present their work in a travelling group exhibition.
Although Foam Talent symbolizes a rich range of genres and uses of photography, the edition of Foam Talent 2020 is characterized by (sometimes lengthy) research, in which the role of the portrait is a recurring theme. Where Alba Zari tries to construct a portrait of her unknown biological father through old family photos and computer technology, Luther Konadu's work is a reflection of the photographic portrait itself: through cutting and pasting he investigates the construction of identity.
Adji Dieye responds to economically determined stereotypes and traditional roles by reinventing an African tradition of studio portrait photography. Karla Hiraldo Voleau distorts fact and fiction and undermines the male gaze through selfies and intimate portraits of her Latin lovers. The diverse series and artworks in Foam Talent 2020 show individuals and communities that have long remained invisible or in the margins, exploring who we are and how we see ourselves in a constantly changing reality: between the analogue and the digital, between myths and belief systems, between the private and public and between fact and fiction.
Foam Talent 2020 will be on show at the following locations:
22 October - 1 November
Foam Talent | Berlin 2020
18 December 2020 – 10 March 2021
Foam Talent | Amsterdam 2020
Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
The Foam Talent programme and the annual Talent Issue of Foam Magazine are supported by the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, the VandenEnde Foundation and the Niemeijer Fund.
Foam Talent is made possible by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and Kleurgamma Fine-Art Photolab.
Foam Talent Berlin is made possible with the kind support of Outset Germany Switzerland.
Foam Magazine is sponsored by Igepa Netherlands BV, supplier of excellent paper.
Mediapartner: DAZED
Foam is supported by the BankGiro Loterij, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, City of Amsterdam, Foam Members, Olympus and the VandenEnde Foundation.

Foam ist eine international tätige Organisation im Bereich Fotografie mit Sitz in der Amsterdamer Innenstadt. Zum ersten Mal zeigt sie ihre jährliche Ausstellung Foam Talent in dem historischen Gebäude des Kühlhaus Berlin.
Foam präsentiert alle Facetten der zeitgenössischen Fotografie. Im Mittelpunkt seiner vielfältigen Aktivitäten stehen junge Talente. Die Wanderausstellung Foam Talent 2020 zeigt die 19 im Jahr 2020 ausgewählten Künstler*innen, die dem jährlichen Talent Call des Foam Magazine gefolgt sind – eine Suche nach außergewöhnlich begabten Fotograf*innen aus aller Welt im Alter unter 35 Jahren.
Die in diesem Jahr ausgesuchten Arbeiten zeigen ein breites Spektrum von Genres und Gebrauchsweisen der Fotografie. Oft beruhen sie auf ausführlichen Recherchen und beschäftigten sich besonders mit der Rolle des Porträts. In vielfältigen Serien und Einzelwerken untersuchen die Künstler*innen, wer wir sind und wie wir uns in der heutigen, sich ständig verändernden Wirklichkeit sehen – zwischen dem Analogen und dem Digitalen, Mythen und Glaubenssystemen, Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit, Fakten und Fiktionen.