Annelies Štrba »
New York 2001
Exhibition: 24 Oct 2020 – 14 Mar 2021
Fri 23 Oct 18:30

MBAL Musée des beaux-arts
Marie-Anne-Calame 6
2400 Le Locle
+41 (0)32-9338950
Wed-Sun 11-17

The New York skyline with its iconic skyscrapers is an extraordinary sight. In 1999, feeling somewhat threatened, Annelies Strba made a film of it. After the events of September 11th, 2001, the artist created New York 2001 from the images she captured two years earlier. The twin towers of the World Trade Center are still standing but appear like dark messengers of their own destiny, like soot-blackened skeletons.
Annelies Strba (Switzerland, 1947) was born in Zug and lives in Richterswil on the edge of Lake Zurich. During the early years of her career, at the beginning of the 1970s, she was awarded a Federal Grant for Applied Arts. Her career has been punctuated by numerous trips abroad, notably to Poland, Japan, England and the United States. Annelies Strba has been established in the art world since the 1990s, she regularly exhibits her work in solo and group exhibitions in Switzerland as well as abroad and her works are part of major international collections, such as the Pompidou Centre in Paris, the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh and the Kunsthaus in Zurich. In 2020, she was the second artist after Pipilotti Rist to receive the Willy Reber Prize.