while wearing a homemade mask in the eastern Congolese city of Bukavu this week. Sapeurs take their name from
the acronym for their group: SAPE, meaning Société des Ambianceurs et des Personnes Élégantes, or "elegant persons
who create ambience".
© Raissa Karama Rwizibuka for Fondation Carmignac
Monograph & Outdoor Exhibition
Guylain Balume Muhindo » Arlette Bashizi » Dieudonne Dirole » Raissa Karama Rwizibuka » Charly Kasereka » Justin Makangara » Guylain Balume Muhindo » Guerchom Ndebo » Finbarr O’Reilly » Moses Sawasawa » Pamela Tulizo » Ley Uwera » Bernadette Vivuya »
Exhibition: 6 Jan – 2 Feb 2021
Gates of Tour Saint-Jacques
Rue de Rivoli/Place du Châtelet
75004 Paris

a sign denouncing Belgium’s imperial exploitation of what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. As massive
gatherings for racial justice gain momentum around the world, activists in Belgium are hoping the global movement
may finally shift attitudes toward the colonial legacy of King Leopold II, the monarch whose
tyrannical rule over the Congo Free State (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) is blamed for the deaths
of between 10-15 million Congolese.
© Pamela Tulizo for Fondation Carmignac
Carmignac Photojournalism Award - 11th edition
Democratic Republic of Congo
Arlette Bashizi, Dieudonne Dirole, Charly Kasereka, Justin Makangara, Guylain Balume Muhindo, Guerchom Ndebo, Raissa Karama Rwizibuka, Moses Sawasawa, Pamela Tulizo, Ley Uwera and Bernadette Vivuya
Outdoor Exhibition
On the Gates of Tour Saint-Jacques, Paris
6 January - 2 February , 2021
Fondation Carmignac presents the collaborative reportage Congo in Conversation in an outdoor
exhibition, in partnership with the City of Paris.
The 11th Carmignac Photojournalism Award—which focuses on the Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC)—was awarded to British-Canadian photographer Finbarr O’Reilly. His reportage started in January
2020, before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the swiftly worsening global health
situation and the gradual closing of international borders, finding a different way of working became
essential. Finbarr O’Reilly and the Award team reframed their approach to this work. One laureate's
project turned into "Congo in Conversation", a collaborative reportage with fifteen Congolese
photographers and journalists.
Together, these photojournalists document the challenges of living through a pandemic while subsisting in
an informal economy where access to water and electricity is severely limited. They reveal communal
ideas about African women, beauty, and fashion, and invite to a deeper exploration of Congolese
self-perception in a postcolonial context. They report on violence in national parks, conflict frontlines,
youth activism, and human rights movements while depicting a cautiously optimistic contemporary DRC.
28 photographs from reports by Arlette Bashizi, Dieudonné Dirole, Justin Makangara, Guerchom Ndebo,
Finbarr O’Reilly, Raissa Karama Rwizibuka, Moses Sawasawa, Pamela Tulizo and Bernadette Vivuya are
displayed on the gates of the Tour Saint Jacques.
Exhibition on view through February 2nd, 2021
Square de la Tour Saint-Jacques, 75004 Paris
Free and open to the public
For more information about the project, visit congoinconversation.fondationcarmignac.com

the village of Tche in Congo’s northeastern Ituri Province in mid-February. With few government forces in the
area villagers from the Hema community erected the likeness in the hopes of warding off armed members of the
Cooperative for the Development of Congo (CODECO), an armed political-religious sect drawn from the Lendu ethnic
group that has been blamed for a wave of killings in the province over the past two years.
© Dieudonné Dirole for Fondation Carmignac
The Carmignac Photojournalism Award
In 2009, while media and photojournalism faced an unprecedented crisis, Édouard Carmignac created the
Carmignac Photojournalism Award to support photographers in the field. Directed by Emeric Glayse, it
funds annually the production of an investigative photo reportage on human rights violations,
environmental and geostrategic issues in the world.
Selected by an international jury, the laureate receives a €50.000 grant, enabling them to carry out an
in-depth research in the field, with logistical support from Fondation Carmignac. The latter presents a
traveling exhibition and the publication of a monograph upon their return.
Previous editions have focused on Gaza (Kai Wiedenhöfer), Pashtunistan (Massimo Berruti), Zimbabwe
(Robin Hammond), Chechnya (Davide Monteleone), Iran (Newsha Tavakolian), French Guiana
(Christophe Gin), Libya (Narciso Contreras), Nepal (Lizzie Sadin), the Arctic (Yuri Kozyrev and Kadir van
Lohuizen) and the Amazon (Tommaso Protti).

and the city implementing regular power cuts, my 13-year-old sister Marie studies at home by the light of
a mobile phone.
© Arlette Bashizi for Fondation Carmignac

Ramadan last week.
© Ley Uwera for Fondation Carmignac