Emily Schiffer »
Photography and Social Change: Creative Responses to Social Problems
Fri 15 Oct

FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstr. 30-32
60311 Frankfurt (Main)
+49 (0)69-291726
Tue-Sun 11-18

Emily Schiffer
"Photography and Social Change: Creative Responses to Social Problems"
Saturday, 30 October, 6 November and 13 November 2021, 3-7pm
Registration deadline: 15 October 2021
Can images instigate social change? If so, how do we measure the social impact of art?
In this FFF ACADEMY workshop with photographer Emily Schiffer, participants will explore examples of how art and social justice movements intertwine and how visibility and impact can be maximized. Together with Emily Schiffer, they will explore how change happens, how artists have used grassroots strategies throughout history, and the impact of such collaboration. The workshop participants will then develop their own creative strategies for working with social groups and how their own photographic work can generate engagement.
Emily Schiffer is a multi-discipline artist and the co-founder and creative director of We, Women, the largest social impact photo project by women, transgender and non-binary artists in the United States. Through photo-based community engagement projects, We, Women resists and interrogates social and political landscapes while promoting empathy and unity.
In 2016, Schiffer, along with other young and internationally renowned photographers, co-created Danube Revisited. The Inge Morath Truck Project in honour of Inge Morath, the first female photographer at the agency Magnum Photos. The resulting exhibition Danube Revisited. Auf den Spuren von Inge Morath was shown with great success at the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt in 2017. Furthermore, Emily Schiffer produced See Potential, a public art project on the South Side of Chicago: large-format documentary images were installed on abandoned buildings to advertise community-led development plans.
Emily Schiffer already presented the topic of social change through photography at the FFF ACADEMY at the beginning of July 2021 with the FFF online lecture "Photography and Social Change: Creative Responses to Social Problems". The lecture is now available to listen to and watch in the FFF Media Library: here
The Online workshop will be held in English. Registration deadline is 30 September 2021
More information and registration for the online-workshop here