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Paris Photo 2021
Erica Baum
Dreaming, 2021
archival pigmentprint
40,6 x 40,6 cm
Edition 6+2 ap

Paris Photo 2021

Erica Baum » Jan Groover » Adrian Sauer »

Fair Presentation: 11 Nov – 14 Nov 2021

Wed 10 Nov

Grand Palais Ephémère - Booth F04

Champ-de-Mars, Place Joffre
75008 Paris


Leipziger Str. 57/58
10117 Berlin



Wed-Sat 12-18

Paris Photo 2021
Jan Groover, 160, 1983, platinum-palladium contact print, 30,7 x 37,8 cm, ed. 10. © Jan Groover

Klemms will be showing new works by Erica Baum, especially selected for Paris Photo, taken from her pivotal series 'The Naked Eye'. Baum has become internationally known for her photographic practice based on found texts and images. With her reflected, nonchalant use of strategies akin to the work of the Pictures Generation, conceptual art, and minimalism, Erica Baum has developed a unique and truly authentic visual language. For two decades now, her enigmatic closeups of books, newspapers, and other printed matter have been investigating the nature, traditions, and essences of the photographic, steadily "re-materializing" its visual, haptic and thematic qualities.

A selection of rare vintage works by Jan Groover is also part of the presentation. In the course of her artistic development, she eliminated the documentary elements from her photographic works little by little and challenged the limits of the medium, investigating the relationship between the elements of an image — the aesthetic effect of structure and form — instead. Everything became form. Not just in her well known still lifes, for which she made her kitchen sink the site for formal-aesthetic experiments, but also in the early movement studies, the intimate figure photographs and the late, almost scenographic-looking arranged ensembles.

Finally Klemms is happy to celebrate the 'market premiere' of the work series "16,777,216 colors in various arrangements" by Adrian Sauer. With his artistic-conceptual modus operandi Sauer explores the very conditions of the photographic image and its changed functionality. In this way, he doubts the great promise photography makes of being a mirror image of reality. A past fixed in the image always has something intrinsically deceptive and constructed. After a succesful solo presentation in 2019 at the Sanaa Building Folkwang-University in Essen (Germany), a selection of the works will be on view for the first time in the context of a fair.

Paris Photo 2021
Adrian Sauer
16.777.216 Farben in unterschiedlichen Anordnungen
Rotes Dreieck, Farbton, 2019
dig. c-print
100 x 100 cm
Edition 3+1 ap