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I Believe in Miracles
© David LaChapelle
The Holy Family with St. Francis, 2019
Pigment Print

David LaChapelle »

I Believe in Miracles

Exhibition: 22 Apr – 11 Sep 2022

MUDEC - Museo delle Culture

via Tortona 56
20144 Milano

+39 02-54917


I Believe in Miracles
© David LaChapelle
Gas Shell, 2012
Chromogenic Print

The large-scale solo exhibition "David LaChapelle. I Believe in Miracles" is the result of a journey of artistic research lasting a lifetime and that presents a previously unseen and, to some extent, surprising David LaChapelle.

With an unprecedented project, the Museum of Cultures hosts an exhibition itinerary that critical look at the human soul with an investigation into its various facets of joy, pain, solitude and passions, insecurities and ideals.

Humankind and its relationship with itself, human beings in the surrounding environment and in society, humankind in Nature.

The exhibition includes over 90 works – including large formats, site-specific photos, new productions and a video installation – which unfold in a flowing and captivating narrative, through the artist’s very personal vision of a ‘gestural’ kind of photography, that is a snapshot of the present while ‘alert’ for the future ahead.