Mounir Fatmi »
The Blinding light
Exhibition: 16 Jun – 18 Sep 2022
An artistic and exhibition project inspired by the San Marco Altarpiece, painted by Fra Angélico in 1440.
A unique opportunity to discover, from the hand of this artist, the points in common between the Renaissance and Modernity.
The blinding light is an artistic and exhibition project with works by the artist Mounir Fatmi (Tangier, 1970), inspired by Fra Angelico's Altarpiece of Saint Mark, which shows the miracles performed by Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian, patron saints of surgeons and pharmacists.
Throughout his career, Mounir Fatmi has made a series of photomontages with various images that show an operating room -with its technological equipment and hygiene measures- which is superimposed on one of the miraculous scenes depicted in Fra Angelico's altarpiece . Thus, the medical staff is placed next to the two saints forming the same work group. In this way, ghosts and living people are present in another form of reality, a fantasy temporality as miraculous as the biblical scene.
The exhibition establishes an association between the Renaissance and hypermodernity. This temporal ellipsis that overlaps different times and spaces brings science and technology closer to a world that used to be governed by divine miracles. The characters in the painting thus become ghosts. This discrepancy forces the viewer to mentally travel between these two eras.
Mounir Fatmi tries here in an unexpected way to combine spheres of belief that are often seen as antagonistic. On the one hand, science, order, reason and concreteness; on the other, religion, and the universe of faith, the miraculous and the sacred.