Digital print on archival paper
45 x 30 cm
photo basel 2022
Uros Abram » Boris Gaberščik » Andrej Lamut » Lucija Rosc »
Fair: 14 Jun – 19 Jun 2022
Mon 13 Jun 18:00
Volkshaus Basel
Rebgasse 12-14
4058 Basel

Galerija Fotografija
Trubarjeva cesta 72
1000 Ljubljana
Tue-Fri 12-19, Sat 10-14

Silver gelatin print on baryta paper, selenium toned
25,4 x 20,3 cm
"Growing up" means that we have to go through the process of confirmation or rejection, we all have to discard or save the objects of our childhood and thus make a final judgment of their value. In this process, nostalgia and sentimentality prevent us from being objective, and old junk can be an invaluable souvenir. It is in the role of the latter that objects appear in the works of Lucija Rosc, who in her photographs and objects depicts a world of seemingly random or completely non-functional objects, which on closer inspection reveal that they are the result of meticulous collecting and archiving of things from her childhood.
Boris Gaberščik keeps challenging the viewer with objects that come from his carefully planned collection activities. His studio is full of things that he has found on his travels to places near and far. He turns objects from everyday life into the main actors of his works, often looking as if they are about to lose balance. They display a strong sense of utility because he uses them to create compositions.
Uroš Abram photographs with the camera obscura improvised in his mouth: Body. Made in Me. His photos are articulated by expressive deformation due to the long exposition, entirely diluted contours and loss of detail, fingerprints and traces of saliva which contribute to the aesthetic of the image. Operator (the author) thus prints in traces of participation of his own body. He makes use of the sacral space for the consecration of the human body, its frail beauty and transience in the ethereal images of the photographed nudes.

From the series "Body. Made in Me"
Image takten with camera oralis
Digital print on canvas
175 X 140 cm
Unique piece