Arash Hanaei »
Exhibition: 10 Nov – 13 Dec 2022
Paris Photo - Grand Palais
3 avenue du Général Eisenhower
75008 Paris

Paris Photo
Avenue Winston Churchill
75008 Paris

The installation
Suburban Hauntology
questions the architectural utopias of the 1970s, including the " Star of Ivry-sur-Seine " building, while investigating simultaneously new complex spaces like the Metaverse.
How to rehabilitate these architectural ghosts in the context of augmented reality?
By combining different levels of perception, between static image, video and 3D design, the duo BMW ART MAKERS, Arash Hanaei and Morad Montazami propose a hybrid and immersive installation: digital drawings or Big Data, the hologram extracted from the plan of the building, the polysemic video Unblocked Avatars and finally a virtual chess game between Mark Zuckerberg and the philosopher Mark Fischer.
It is when the future becomes unimaginable that it becomes a possibility.