Pascal Maitre »
Exhibition: 20 Oct – 4 Dec 2022
Académie des Beaux-Arts
27, quai de Conti
75006 Paris
Tue-Sun 11-18
The Fulani people number 35 million men and women, spread over some fifteen countries in the Sahelian band. Population growth and global warming are weakening the situation of this thousand-year-old people. Inter-ethnic clashes between nomadic Fulani communities and Dogon, Bambara and Mossi farmers have exploded in recent years. The jihadist radicalization constitutes a major danger for the balance of the entire region. The Fulani people are now at a turning point in their history. Organized around three themes, the festivals, daily life, the conflict and its consequences, this exhibition will offer a testimony on these communities and will try to bring some keys of reading of a region of the world in full geopolitical upheaval.