Ram Rahman »
Street Smart
ASIA NOW 2022 off
Exhibition: 19 Oct 2022 – 23 Jan 2023
Musée National des Arts Asiatiques, Guimet
6 Place d'Iéna
75116 Paris
+33 (0)1
Mon, Wed-Sun 10-18
Ram Rahman has captured the vibrant visual culture of the Indian street in these photographs. His camera delights in the curious juxtapositions of advertising, political sloganeering, religious icons and graffiti which abound on India’s streets. His use of the black and white image flattens and compacts the frame to create images which are collage-like. He sees this as a people’s visual culture, much of which comes together by sheer chance. These chance assemblages, often on a huge scale, are the stage sets against which daily life unfolds in a theatre of the street. The images capture the chaos, irony and humour of the public culture of India. The street in India is like a visual text, a random people's art which reflects the aspirations, cinematic dreams and also comments on current political issues, on history and mythology in often unlikely combinations. The still camera is the perfect tool to capture these visual texts and Rahman creates new stories in his assemblage of images. Some hand painted images, the proliferating digital imagery, offset posters and signs are all elements of this pop culture mashup which has survived the sanitising homogeneity of global consumerism.