Denis Bourges »
Usual Heroes
Exhibition: 11 Oct – 13 Nov 2022

Little Big Galerie
45 rue Lepic
75018 Paris
+33(06-08 66 25 64
Tue-Sat 11:00-19:30, Sun 14:30-19:30 +

Sunset Boulevard, angels play their part not far from Hollywood Majors.
On the city’s giant screen, anonymous strike a pose. Shadows and lights frame the scene playing in front of us, Los Angeles, a huge studio with endless possibilities , becomes the ideal setting where fiction and reality mingle.
Nourished with film noirs from the 50’s and trashy images of B movies, Denis Bourges makes his own cinema. Book also available.
Denis Bourges is one of the founder of Tendance Floue, a photographic collective well known in France and in Europe
“The tightly knit and highly resourceful photographic collective Tendance Floue has, for more than fifteen years, shared everything from money to authorship. In addition to exhibitions and a trilogy of publications, the group has enacted many novel performances, and has covered areas of photojournalistic interest”
- ICP (International Center of Photography)

Usual Heroes
Sunset Boulevard, les anges jouent leurs rôles non loin des supers productions hollywoodiennes.
Sur le grand écran de la ville, des anonymes prennent la pose. Les ombres et les lumières
encadrent la scène qui se déroule sous nos yeux. Los Angeles, immense studio aux possibilités
infinies devient le décor idéal où se mêlent fiction et réalisme. Nourri de l’univers des films noirs
des années 50, de l’imagerie kitsch des séries B, Denis Bourges fait son cinéma.