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Auction: 26 Oct – 5 Nov 2022
Sat 5 Nov 14:00
ADER - Ellia Art Gallery
10, rue de Turenne
75004 Paris

Players riding motorcycles during a motoball match. Courbevoie, 1952.
Gelatin silver print on baryta paper, from digital file (black and white lambda print).
Blind stamp AFP in the lower right margin. Stamp « AFP 5/11/2022
Edition Spéciale N° : 1/1 » on verso.
Image : 44 x 66 cm - 17.3 x 26 in
Papier : 60 x 80 cm - 23.6 x 31.5 in
This autumn, come and discover the photographic heritage of AFP Agence France-Presse, which will be celebrated with an exceptional auction of 200 art prints and the first NFTs in its history, as well as a major exhibition at the Ellia Gallery in the heart of Paris and the publication of a book offering a sensitive look at a century of history in 300 photos.
From October 26 to November 5, 2022, the world's oldest news agency will be offering visitors an exceptional selection of photos from its archives, some of them iconic, some of them unpublished, which will be auctioned off at the Ellia Art Gallery in the Marais district.
The exhibition and sale will offer an immersion in "news" photography, ranging from the Paris Commune in 1871 to the recent burning of Notre-Dame, as well as the Great War, the Liberation of Paris, the first French women's vote, Marcel Cerdan's raging fists, Jean-Paul Belmondo's winning smile and Josephine Baker's modernity.

Acrobatic workers on the Eiffel Tower in front of the Trocadero Palace, 1930's.
Gelatin silver print on baryta paper, from digital file (black and white lambda print).
Blind stamp AFP in the lower right margin. Stamp « AFP 5/11/2022
Edition Spéciale N° : 1/1 » on verso.
Image : 56 x 37 cm - 22 x 14.6 in
Papier : 60 x 50 cm - 23.6 x 19.7 in
Cet automne, venez découvrir le patrimoine photographique de l'Agence France-Presse, mis à l'honneur avec une vente aux enchères exceptionnelle de 200 tirages d’art et les premiers NFT de son histoire, ainsi qu'une grande exposition à la Galerie Ellia au coeur de Paris et la publication d’un livre offrant en 300 photos un regard sensible sur un siècle d’Histoire.
Du 26 octobre au 5 novembre 2022, la plus ancienne agence de presse mondiale offre aux visiteurs une sélection exceptionnelle issue des archives photo de l'AFP, parfois iconique, parfois inédite, qui à l’issue de l’exposition sera vendue aux enchères au sein même de la galerie Ellia Art Gallery dans le quartier du Marais.
L’exposition-vente propose une plongée dans la photographie de "news ", allant de la Commune de Paris en 1871 au tout récent incendie de Notre-Dame, en passant par la Grande Guerre, la Libération de Paris, le premier vote des femmes françaises, ou encore les poings rageurs de Marcel Cerdan, le sourire vainqueur de Jean-Paul Belmondo, la modernité de Joséphine Baker.

Kiki of Montparnasse (born Alice Ernestine Prin) nicknamed the Queen of Montparnasse, 1920's.
Gelatin silver print on baryta paper, from digital file (black and white lambda print).
Blind stamp AFP in the lower right margin. Stamp « AFP 5/11/2022
Edition Spéciale N° : 1/1 » on verso.
Image : 37 x 56 cm - 14.6 x 22 in
Papier : 50 x 60 cm - 19.7 x 23.6 in

Olivier MORIN
Jamaica's Usain Bolt wins the 100-meter final of the World Championships at the Luzhniki Stadium,
as a bolt of lightning strikes the sky. Moscow, August 11, 2013.
Gelatin silver print on satin paper, from digital file (chromogenic lambda print).
Blind stamp AFP in the lower right margin. Stamp « AFP 5/11/2022
Edition Spéciale N° : 1/1 » on verso.
Image : 44 x 66 cm - 17.3 x 26 in
Papier : 60 x 80 cm - 23.6 x 31.5 in

The steeple and spire of the landmark Notre-Dame Cathedral collapses as the cathedral is engulfed in flames. Paris, April 15, 2019.
Gelatin silver print on satin paper, from digital file (chromogenic lambda print).
Blind stamp AFP in the lower right margin. Stamp « AFP 5/11/2022
Edition Spéciale N° : 1/1 » on verso.
Image : 44 x 66 cm - 17.3 x 26 in
Papier : 60 x 80 cm - 23.6 x 31.5 in