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Crossing Lines. Politics of Images
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin: © The Late Estate Broomberg & Chanarin, Divine Violence (detail), 2013, courtesy of The Goodman Gallery MACK

Crossing Lines. Politics of Images


Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin » Ariella Azoulay » Lisa Bukreyeva » Robert Capa » Daniil Revkovskiy & Andriy Rachinskiy » Maxim Dondyuk » fantastic little splash » Nazar Furyk » Vladyslav Krasnoshchok » Sasha Kurmaz » Annie Leibovitz » Herbert List » Evgeniy Maloletka » Boris Mikhailov » Rafal Milach » Martin Parr » Elena Subach »

Exhibition: 2 Jun – 20 Aug 2023

Thu 1 Jun 20:00 - 1:00

Foto Arsenal

Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien

Foto Arsenal Wien

Arsenal Objekt 19A
1030 Wien

+43 1-521890



Crossing Lines examines the distribution, circulation, and mechanisms of photographic image on three levels. What images are communicated to a society through news channels or social media? Who guarantees and takes responsibility for the authenticity of images that reach our smartphones in real time today? What visual worlds are generated to make statements? When does the content of an image become propaganda for political statements?

Crossing Lines presents over 150 photographs and video installations by more than twenty international artists.