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Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Hoda Afshar
Untitled #1
Courtesy the artist and Milani Gallery, Brisbane

Prix Pictet 2023: Human

Winner: Gauri Gill

Hoda Afshar » Gera Artemova » Ragnar Axelsson » Alessandro Cinque » Siân Davey » Gauri Gill » Michal Luczak » Yael Martinez » Richard Renaldi » Federico Rios » Vanessa Winship » Vasantha Yogananthan »

Exhibition: 29 Sep – 22 Oct 2023

Thu 28 Sep 16:15

V&A Victoria and Albert Museum

Cromwell Road, South Kensington
SW7 2RL London

+44 (0)20-79422000


Daily 10-17:45; Fri 10-22

Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Ragnar Axelsson
Kötlujökull Glacier, Iceland
Courtesy the artist and Qerndu, Reykjavik

Prix Pictet Human, 2023: Panel Discussion
Thursday, 28 September 2023, 16.15 – 17.15
with finalists Vasantha Yogananthan, Vanessa Winship, Gauri Gill and Yael Martínez together with Catherine Troiano, Curator of Photography at the V&A.

Prix Pictet has announced Human as the theme for the 10th cycle of the award. The announcement was made at a presentation at the Théâtre Antique of the work of Sally Mann, Prix Pictet Laureate, as part of Les Rencontres d’Arles photography festival.

Commenting on the theme, Isabelle von Ribbentrop, Executive Director, Prix Pictet, said:

We quite rightly celebrate human creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship but too often our triumphs in science, engineering and technology come at monumental cost. The human story is more often a tale of conflict and despair than of nurture, love and co-existence.

It would be easy to read the human story as one of tragic hubris. Yet it does not end here. We stand on the threshold of the future wondering which way the dice will fall. Our wager with posterity is that human ingenuity, intelligence, and resilience of spirit is powerful enough to insist upon a very different future for the human story.

Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Yael Martínez
Abuelo Estrella
Courtsey the artist and Magnum Photos, and Patricia Conde Galería, Mexico City

Over the coming months, the Prix Pictet’s global network of over 300 nominators will identify portfolios of work that align with the theme. As always, these portfolios will be reviewed by the independent Jury. The shortlist for Human will be presented at the Rencontres d’Arles in July 2023. The tenth laureate will be announced at the opening of the award exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London in September 2023.

Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Vanessa Winship
Tunceli—Eastern Anatolia
Courtesy the artist and Agence VU, Paris
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Siân Davey
Courtesy the artist
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Richard Renaldi
Callery Pear
Courtesy the artist and Benrubi Gallery, New York
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Gauri Gill
Jannat, Barmer
1999– ongoing
Courtesy the artist and James Cohan, New York
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Alessandro Cinque
Before mining arrived in Ayaviri, Puno region, local people sold their cheese and milk all over Peru. Due to water pollution and drought, cows’ milk declined in quantity and quality, and the produce is increasingly difficult to sell.
Courtesy the artist
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Federico Ríos Escobar
Hamlet Devastated
Courtesy the artist
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Gera Artemova
Left: Fragment of a Fresco from Saint Sophia Cathedral (11th Century), Kyiv
Right: Hand of My Son Mykhail, Vyhraiv Village, Cherkasy Oblast
Courtesy the artist
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Vasantha Yogananthan
Courtesy the artist
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Michał Łuczak
Courtesy the artist
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Leaving The Garden, by Siân Davey, 2022, from the series 'The Garden', 2021-23.
Courtesy of the artist and Michael Hoppen Gallery, London
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Federico Ríos Escobar
Colmenares Family, 2022
Courtesy the artist
Prix Pictet 2023: Human
Vasantha Yogananthan
Untitled 2022
from Mystery Street
Courtesy the artist