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Michael Wesely
28.3. - 5.4.2020
C-Print sur papier UltraSecG, encadrement métallique
100 x 115 cm, pièce unique
© Michael Wesely, Courtesy Galerie Esther Woerdehoff

Michael Wesely »

Michael Wesely

Exhibition: 28 Sep – 18 Nov 2023

Thu 28 Sep 18:00

Galerie Esther Woerdehoff

36 rue Falguière
75015 Paris

+33(0)9-51 51 24 50


Wed-Sat 12-19

Photography takes us back to the past. Pictures from our early years touch us emotionally ; we feel nostalgia as they refer to a time that is no more. German artist Michael Wesely, born in 1963 in Munich, is interested in this inexistent space where the future becomes the past. Since 2012, long, digital exposures from Michael Wesely have given birth to thousands and even millions of individual images which, unlike a film camera, are not placed one behind the other but one above the other. The result is, just as with analogue photographs, a single image that only reveals itself to the viewer gradually.