Visual Gallery 2004
Peter Badge » HAI Bo » Anton Corbijn » Elliott Erwitt » Lauren Greenfield » CHEN Lingyang » MA Liuming » James Nachtwey » CHI Peng » Walter Schels » SHAO Yinong & MU Chen » Jonathan Torgovnik » Alberto Venzago » MIAO Xiaochun » CANG Xin » Johann Zambryski » & others
Exhibition: 28 Sep – 3 Oct 2004
Visual Gallery Photokina
Messeplatz 1 . Halle 7
50679 Köln
+49 (0)221-8212065
Tue-Sun 10-19

In 2002, the Visual Gallery was founded with the aim of establishing an enduring new tradition of non-profit exhibitions and to make a name for itself as a showcase for the international imaging scene. And in 2004, on an exhibition area covering more than 3,000 square metres, the Visual Gallery will be presenting for the second time in Cologne the highlights from applied photography, the latest art photography and photo-journalism — at photokina, the leading global trade fair. The 2004 Visual Gallery — a mix of applied photography, the latest in art photography and photo-journalism: Contemporary Chinese photography Since 1993, when exhibitions of works by contemporary Chinese artists were first organized in Europe, interest in Chinese photography has grown tremendously. With the effects of globalization, which have also impacted China since the end of the 1980s, Chinese artists have developed a new visual language. This has intensified the artists’ confrontation with Western modernity, which in turn has made possible a clearer focus on uniquely Chinese details that the artists express in their creations. Some examples are being presented here. A special highlight will be the exhibition of contemporary Chinese photography, which was realized in collaboration with the Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin | Beijing and Claudia Stein, Photography now | Berlin. Artists: CANG Xin, CHI Peng, HAI Bo, LIU Zheng, MIAO Xiao Chun, SHAO Yinong & Muchen, WENG Fen,... War – New York, Kabul, Baghdad A selection of photographs from the exhibition "New York to Baghdad" shows historical documents that are simultaneously impressive and very disturbing. The show is a dazzling presentation of images by world-renowned photojournalists from the agency VII — including the famous photographers James Nachtwey, Christopher Anderson and Lauren Greenfield. The exhibition examines the events of September 11, 2001, the subsequent American military campaign in Afghanistan and the allied invasion of Iraq. Anton Corbijn In ccoperations with BilderBilder e.V. the magazine Stern is presenting images by the famous photographer Anton Corbijn. Alberto Venzago At the exhibition "Voodoo" by Alberto Venzago, visitors will find images that appear almost mystical. For more than ten years, Venzago observed one of Africa’s most powerful voodoo priests, accompanying the voodoo master on his search for a successor and photographing secret voodoo ceremonies and sacrificial rituals. The result is a visual history that uses impressive photos to tell the story of the eerie world of voodoo. Elliott Erwitt – Magic Hands In cooperation with Leica Camera AG, we are presenting the exhibition "Magic Hands" by Elliott Erwitt. This photography collection is devoted to the highly eloquent sign language of hands. Whether it's small hands held in large ones, a raised index finger or the eloquent gesture of an orator, Erwitt’s many images focus our gaze on the truly essential aspects of life, without a single spoken word. Peter Badge/Johann Zambryski – Elvis Who ELVISWHO — a symmetrically arranged project by the artists Peter Badge and Johann Zambryski — is concerned with better understanding a true icon. The construction’s central focus is Elvis Presley. The work deals with a thematic conflict: the role of the look-alike and the questions it raises about the individual’s identity. Under the main themes "Themself" and "Himself," Peter Badge and Johann Zambryski are demonstrating their engagement with this phenomenon. Kris Scholz – Portraits Between 1983 and 1988, Kris Scholz photographed full-length portraits of couples, first in black and white and subsequently in color. In 1995 he began a new series of portraits of individuals and siblings. The portraits are clearly influenced by the work of Renaissance painters. In the portraits of Ishan (1998) and Petra (1997), Scholz makes a direct reference to the portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino (1465 to 1466) by Piero della Francesca. Walter Schels – Lebenszeit In the BFF exhibition "Lebenszeit" (Lifetime), Walter Schels’ work concentrates on the human image, exploring individual physiognomies — from a picture of a newborn to a portrait of a centenarian. The 2004 Visual Gallery is presenting couples’ portraits under the thematic heading "Young-Old." Günter Derleth – "Venedig.Camera obscura" Fascinating images of the lagoon city of Venice — taken with a camera obscura. In "Venedig. Camera Obscura," Günter Derleth is presenting work that traces its roots back to the origins of photography. Because of the peculiarities of this simple camera — blurring and long exposure times — moving objects appear transparent or are not captured at all. A mode of presentation that is perhaps ideally suited to the spirit of Venice. 1170 times in 80 hours – BFF Gesichtet 1,177 Times in 80 Hours is a spectacular exhibition of a single print that is 180 meters long. The work comprises 1,177 different portraits by various photographers. EPPA - FUJIFILM European Press Photo Awards 2004 In cooperation with Fuji Photo Film Europe GmbH, the Visual Gallery presents a selection of the winner photos of the Fujifilm Euro Press Photo Awards 2004. Participants from a total of 20 European countries presented their work to a renowned jury of experts. The photographers had previously qualified for entry into the final on a national level. They had to submit a portfolio of three pieces of work for the final, to be judged by the jury with regard to expressiveness, composition and technical quality. The categories for 2004 were Feature, Technology, Sport and Nature.