Saison 2023 – 2024: FORMENSPRACHE
Thaddäus Biberauer » Christine Erhard » Liz Lambert » Tina Lechner » Sanja Marušić » Steph Meyers »
Exhibition: 14 Oct 2023 – 6 Oct 2024
Thu 19 Sep

11, Grand-Rue
9710 Clervaux
+352-27 800 283

Saison 2023 – 2024: Formensprache
With Thaddäus Biberauer, Christine Erhard, Liz Lambert, Tina Lechner, Sanja Marušić and Steph Meyers
Exhibition: 14 October, 2023 – 6 October, 2024
Opening: Saturday, 14 October, 11am
Guided tour of the exhibitions with the artists
(Start: Maison du Tourisme, 11, Grand-Rue)
Opening hours: Free access to the outdoor exhibitions, daily, all year
Clervaux - Cité de l'image enters its new season 2023-2024 with 6 new open-air exhibitions.
We dive into a world full of fantastic forms, approaches, themes and techniques. The six photographers invited this year use their own formal language to express emotions, convey stories or present certain concepts. In this open-air exhibition, the focus is on playing with contrasts, experimenting with techniques or on the most diverse stylistic elements.
With depictions of fundamental themes in the life of a young woman, the artist Sanja Marušić attracts full attention with her colourful photographs on the market square. Heading towards the church, we pass the arcades with the photographic works of Christine Erhard, which have been developed out of a sculptural process in her studio. Opposite the church, Thaddäus Biberauer takes us on his journeys through nature. The snapshots, almost painterly in scene, invite us to dream. In Steph Meyer's works, the focus is on the photograph and the viewer. The picture within the picture, in which the viewers in the arcades of the Grand-Rue are included in the snapshot of the documented photo exhibition or even become voyeurs. On the castle plateau, Liz Lambert gives us a deep insight into her very personal story. In a poetic and partly symbolic way, she explores the questions of how relationships come into being and develop. In Tina Lechner's works in the garden of the castle, she focuses on the exploration of identity and the female body. Covered with self-produced props, this becomes a retrofuturistic sculpture.
Through their creative and poetic manner, the photographers are constantly developing their artistic potential. The diverse spectrum of formal language enables the artists to draw the viewer's attention in order to convey messages and create a certain atmosphere.

Nous nous plongeons dans un monde de formes, d'approches, de thèmes et de techniques fantastiques. Cette année, les six photographes invités utilisent leur propre langage formel pour exprimer des émotions, transmettre des histoires ou représenter certains concepts. Dans cette exposition en plein air, le regard se focalise sur le jeu des contrastes, l'expérimentation des techniques ou les éléments stylistiques les plus divers.
Wir tauchen ab, in eine Welt voller fantastischer Formen, Herangehensweisen, Themen und Techniken. Die sechs Fotograf:innen, die dieses Jahr eingeladen wurden, nutzen ihre eigene Formensprache, um Emotionen auszudrücken, Geschichten zu vermitteln oder bestimmte Konzepte darzustellen. In dieser Ausstellung unter freiem Himmel wird der Blick auf das Spiel mit Kontrasten, das Experimentieren mit Techniken oder auf die unterschiedlichsten Stilelemente fokussiert.