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Miradas Cruzadas

Miradas Cruzadas

Collection of photographs by Humberto Rivas and María Helguera

Raymonde April » Marcelo Brodsky » Carlos Cánovas » Toni Catany » Eduardo Comesaña » Gabriel Cualladó » Gabriel Cualladó » Facundo de Zuviria » Joan Fontcuberta » Joan Fontcuberta » Pere Formiguera » Ferrán Freixa » Cristina García Rodero » Fran Herbello » Graciela Iturbide » André Jasinski  » Manolo Laguillo » Adriana Lestido » Marcos Lopez » Chema Madoz » Eva Rubistein » Anatole Saderman » Roberto Salbitani » América Sánchez » América Sánchez » Manuel Sonseca » Ricard Terré » Ricard Terré » Javier Vallhonrat » Mariano Zuzunaga »

Auction: 28 May – 29 May 2024

Thu 30 May 16:00

Juan Naranjo Galería

Jardins de Montserrat s/n
08029 Barcelona
Tue-Thu 17-20, Wed 11-14

Juan Naranjo Galería & Documentos de Arte

Casanova 136-138 B-3
08036 Barcelona

+34 659-95 66 48


Tue-Thu 17-20, Wed 11-14

Miradas Cruzadas
Lot 107
Graciela Iturbide (1942)
Mujer Ángel, 1979
Gelatina de plata, imagen 45,5 x 31,6 cm, papel 50,5 x 40,5 cm
Dedicatoria y Firma, tiraje de época
3000 - 4500 €

Miradas Cruzadas
Collection of photographs by Humberto Rivas and María Helguera

Auction: Thursday, 30 May, 4 p.m.

Download catalogue Auction Humberto Rivas: here

The collection we are offering for sale provides a personal vision of Humberto Rivas and María Helguera. It is a collection comprised of images from photographers with whom they have maintained a close relationship. Each photograph is a story in itself, but we can also establish a dialogue between the creator and the collectors; it offers us a visual narrative from which we can trace a thematic and conceptual line with their artistic production.

Miradas Cruzadas
Lot 92
Anatole Saderman (1904-1993)
Taller del escultor Antonio Devoto, c.1940
Gelatina de plata, imagen 19 x 18 cm, tiraje de época
3000 - 4000 €

The catalogue offers 58 lots of photographs by authors with whom the collectors have had a relationship. The auction comprises works by Spanish photographers: Gabriel Cualladó, Ricard Terré, Joan Fontcuberta, América Sánchez, Javier Vallhonrat, Manolo Laguillo, Mariano Zuzunaga, Pere Formigera, Ferrán Freixa, Toni Catany, Carlos Cánovas, Chema Madoz, Cristina García Rodero, Fran Herbello, Manuel Sonseca, and Vari Carates. There is also a group of creators from Latin America such as Anatole Saderman, Eduardo Comesaña, Marcelo Brodsky, Marcos López, Facundo de Zuviria, Adriana Lestido, Graciela Iturbide. Photographs by authors of different nationalities like Eva Rubistein, Roberto Salbitani, Henry Lewis, André Jasinski, and Raymonde April.

Miradas Cruzadas
Lot 150
Marcos López (1958)
Criollitas, 1995
Copia color, imagen 47,7 x 32,5 cm, soporte 50,9 x 36,5 cm, firmada, tiraje de época
1.600 - 2.800 €
Miradas Cruzadas
Lot 108
Cristina García Rodero (1949)
El Alma Dormida,1981
Gelatina de plata, papel 50,3 x 40,3 cm, imagen 47 x 31,5 cm, reverso: título, fecha, firma y Dedicatoria, soporte 63 x 47 cm, tiraje de 1994
2.800 - 3.500 €