photo basel 2024
Anton Corbijn » Christiane Feser » Annegret Soltau » Susa Templin »
Fair Presentation: 11 Jun – 16 Jun 2024
Mon 10 Jun 18:00 - 21:00
Volkshaus Basel
Rebgasse 12-14
4058 Basel

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstr. 9
60311 Frankfurt (Main)
+49 (0)69-92101972
Tue-Fri 11-18, Sat 12-17

ANTON CORBIJN is one of the world's most important portrait photographers. His photographs of musicians from the 80s and 90s, as well as those for bands such as U2, Depeche Mode, Metallica and others led to the actual image building of these bands. Personalities from the worlds of film, literature, art and fashion are a further component of his extensive oeuvre. Corbijn has also directed several Hollywood films, including the impressive film portrait CONTROL, about the late Joy Devision musician Ian Curtis. At the fair, we are exclusively showing lithographs from the STAR TRAK series, from which his extraordinary artistic visual language has developed significantly.
The focus will also be on three female artists from different generations who use the medium of photography for their work in their own way.
We are presenting early works by ANNEGRET SOLTAU (*1946, Lüneburg, GER) that have never been shown before. Since the beginning of her career in the 1970’s, Annegret Soltau (Germany, 1946) has explored body processes in various media like performance, video, photography and collage. Her experimental approach to depict the female body has challenged conventional forms of representation and has made her a key figure of the Female Avantgarde of the 1970’s.
CHRISTIANE FESER (*1977, Würzburg, GER) is known for her ongoing series of photo-objects: three-dimensional, photographic sculptures that behave like representational and optical experiments; simultaneously exploring the perceptions of a camera and a person. Her constructions begin as assemblages of simple materials—clay spheres, paper shapes or sewing pins—that are lit and photographed. The image is printed and then cut-open, folded, punctured or otherwise added to; transforming the flat print back into a dimensional object with its own sense of time and space, shattering the basic tenet that a photograph reproduces a scene existing elsewhere.
SUSA TEMPLIN (*1965, Hamburg, GER) questions the three-dimensional qualities of the medium of photography in ever new, expansive installations. In her artistic work she examines the contradiction of space and surface in the image, the temporality and the three-dimensionality in the photographic confrontation. In her expansive works and installations, the viewer is invited to walk around sculptural-photographic works and individually experience motivic, optical and contextual references of the works in relationship to their own body and point of view.