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La ola que vino de lejos [THE WAVE THAT CAME FROM AFAR]
LA OLA QUE VINO DE LEJOS (THE WAVE THAT CAME FROM AFAR) Views from solo exhibition at FRAC-Grand Large, Dunkerque (FR) Variable dimensions 2022

Angyvir Padilla »

La ola que vino de lejos [THE WAVE THAT CAME FROM AFAR]

Exhibition: 11 Dec 2021 – 30 Apr 2022

Frac Grand Large — Hauts-de-France

503 av. des Bancs de Flandres
59140 Dunkerque

+33(0)3-28 65 84 20


Wed-Sun 14-18

La ola que vino de lejos [THE WAVE THAT CAME FROM AFAR]
LA OLA QUE VINO DE LEJOS (THE WAVE THAT CAME FROM AFAR) Views from solo exhibition at FRAC-Grand Large, Dunkerque (FR) Variable dimensions 2022

Inspired by the legend of the mountains of her childhood, AngyvirPadilla made various trips to northern France in search of an "analogous" mountain. In the Bassin minier, she discovered the terrils, these strange cones made of the residues of coal extraction that draw singular reliefs on the horizon. In the exhibition space, Angyvir Padilla has reconstructed a fantastic landscape that the visitor is invited to cross.