Sean Hillen »
The Cloud Machine
Exhibition: 12 Nov – 17 Nov 2024

Meeting House Square
D02 X406 Dublin
+353 (0)1-6714654
Tue-Sat 11-17
Photo Museum Ireland is proud to present a pop-up projection exhibition by one of Ireland’s most loved artists, Seán Hillen.
The new work is light-hearted metafiction charting Hillen’s quixotic quest for a perfectly cubic cloud. It riffs on many tropes, especially ‘pareidolia’ - the tendency to see patterns in random stimuli - and takes delight in manipulating the techniques of photography to frame and illuminate the sublime sense of groundedness, perspective, joy and shared humanity that sky-gazing engenders in us all.
On another level the work is about the role of neurodiversity in human society; as Hillen puts it, it is about “my ability as a person with Asperger’s to see things that others can not see, and to fail to see things they can…”
Seán Hillen has also realised this project in printed form, The Cloud Machine. Published in a limited edition by Photo Museum Ireland, it includes an essay by Prof Luke Gibbons and is available exclusively in the Museum Bookshop.