Christophe Jacrot »
Lost in Bad Weather
Exhibition: 7 Nov – 24 Nov 2024
Thu 7 Nov 18:00
Space Gallery St Barth Soho
428 Broome Street
NY 10013 New York
+1 646-684-3377
Tue-Sun 11-19
Space Gallery St Barth is delighted to announce the solo exhibition of photographer Christophe Jacrot at its New York City location.
Bad Weather, often considered an inconvenience to many, is an opportunity for artist Christophe Jacrot. One may even say it is his good omen or lucky charm. Early in his career as a travel photographer he was plagued by bad weather, yet his ability to capture its beauty became the reason for his success and his signature. Bad weather has captured his imagination and lens and he sets about to celebrate its beauty. “Bad weather is a blessing too. No water means no life! I love the drama of bad weather, its soul, and its melancholy.Fine weather is boring, photographically speaking. “ - CJ
Jacrot has a strong need for open landscapes, space and nature. Iceland, where one storm chases the next, imposed itself on the artist and so switched his focus from rain to snow which marked the beginning of his series in cold countries. It could be remarked that bad weather is just becoming ‘weather’ – and that perhaps with climate change, the beauty of snow and snow flurries may become a thing of the past as Jacrot captures changing environmental coniditions. “I discovered a blindingly white, cold, hostile nature. A frozen and chilling world... though not entirely! However small, there is always a spark of life. A splash of color, fleeting silhouettes, birds in flight, something poetic that thaws within the beauty of this extreme climate.” This exhibition celebrates these cloacked landscapes which emanate a raw beauty.