Gas Sign, 2015
Archival Inkjet Print
100 x 125 cm
Edition 3 + 2 AP
Paris Photo 2024 - Duo Show
Thomas Manneke » Bryan Schutmaat »
Fair: 7 Nov – 10 Nov 2024
Wed 6 Nov
Paris Photo - Grand Palais
3 avenue du Général Eisenhower
75008 Paris

Galerie Wouter van Leeuwen
Hazenstraat 26
1016 SP Amsterdam
+31 (0)-652031540
Thu-Sat 12-18

Untitled, Cardboard Box, 2023
Silver Gelatin Print
60 x 50 cm
Edition 3 + 2 AP
From Bryan Schutmaat (*1983) we will show works from his new Series Sons of the Living. This is a body of work about the land and people along highways in the deserts of the American West. It includes intimate portraits of travelers—mostly hitchhikers and drifters who dwell along the interstate system—as well as landscapes and still life photos that reflect a country in peril. Amidst the backdrop of environmental decline, economic dispossession, and societal neglect, this work depicts the human capacity for endurance. At our critical moment in history, as we witness but fail to understand the frailty of our ecology, economy, and social stability, Sons of the Living creates an atmospheric narrative that foreshadows the risks of our society’s current path. The work both honors yet subverts the American photographic roadtrip tradition with an updated view of the 21st century’s "open road" that addresses a new era of anxiety.
Thomas Manneke’s (*1970) Series Zillion features black and white photos made from 2021 - 2023, most of them shot with an 8/10 inch camera. The works were made during the pandemic, often in collaboration with Manneke’s daughter Laurie (9 - 11 years old). Photos depict daily observations, stills of found items, and objects made by Manneke or Laurie. The title Zillion (an infinitely large number) refers to the imaginary world they have created.

Untitled, Paper Shape, 2023
Silver Gelatin Print
103 x 82 cm
Edition 3 + 2 AP