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17th Gjon Mili International Exhibition of Photography and Moving Image
Saodat Ismailova, Melted into the Sun, 2024. Single-channel video, color, 5.1 sound. Courtesy of the artist, Fondazione In Between Art Film and Batalha Centro de Cinema.

17th Gjon Mili International Exhibition of Photography and Moving Image

She Who Starts the Song…

Ivana Basić » Semâ Bekirovic » Kristina Benjocki » Željka Gita Blakšić » Angela Blažanović » Vera Hadzhiyska » Majlinda Hoxha » Astrit Ismaili » Saodat Ismailova » Šejla Kamerić » Lebohang Kganye » Klodiana Millona & Endi Tupja » Ana Likar » Glorija Lizde » Maria Mavropoulou » Stanislava Pinchuk » Joanna Piotrowska-Ostachowska » Iva Radivojević » Lala Raščić » Simon Shiroka » Huda Takriti » Clarissa Tossin » & others

Festival: 23 Jan – 30 Mar 2025

National Gallery of Kosovo

Str. Agim Ramadani No.360
M547+RHF Prishtine

+383 38 -225 627


Tue-Sun 10-18

17th Gjon Mili International Exhibition of Photography and Moving Image
Saodat Ismailova, Melted into the Sun, 2024. Single-channel video, color, 5.1 sound. Courtesy of the artist, Fondazione In Between Art Film and Batalha Centro de Cinema.

17th Gjon Mili International Exhibition of Photography and Moving Image
Šejla Kamerić, Torso II (Mother is a Bitch), 2022, colour photograph.