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Capture Photography Festival 2021

Capture Photography Festival 2021

Vikky Alexander » Erika DeFreitas » Sarah Anne Johnson » Meryl McMaster » Steven Shearer » & others

Festival: 1 Apr – 30 Apr 2021

Capture Photography Festival

305 Cambie Street
V6B 2N4 Vancouver



Capture Photography Festival 2021
According to the Capture Photography Festival, the exhibit from which Shearer's photos were taken 'offers a subversive and poignant commentary on the ways in which so many banal moments of our lives in contemporary society are made accessible for public consumption.' (Steven Shearer, Untitled, 2020, courtesy of the artist. Photo by Dennis Ha.)

Each April, photography and lens-based art is exhibited at dozens of galleries and other venues throughout Metro Vancouver as part of the Exhibition Program, alongside an extensive Public Art Program, a youth-oriented Learning Program, and an Events Program that spans tours, films, artist talks, and community events.

Capture Photography Festival 2021
The Capture Photography Festival says complaints about the exhibit started coming in as soon as the billboards were put up. (Steven Shearer, Untitled, 2020, courtesy of the artist. Photo by Dennis Ha.)