Kyungwoo Chun »
A Day in Seoul
Exhibition: 4 Sep – 9 Oct 2004
Van Zoetendaal
Keizersgracht 488
1017 EH Amsterdam

Van Zoetendaal Publishers
Oude Schans 67f
1011 KW Amsterdam
+31 (0)-618092399

Kyungwoo Chun A Day in Seoul 4 sept - 9 okt 2004, wed t/m sat 13 - 18 h vernissage 4 sept van 16 tot 19 h Kyungwoo Chun who was born in Seoul (1969), graduated in photography from the Chung-Ang University in Korea in 1992. In 1999 he graduated in communication design (major:photography) at the Berg. Universität GH Wuppertal. He now lives and works in Seoul, Korea and Bremen, Germany.