Contemporary identities: Photography in Poland today
Curators: Dimitris Konstantinidis, Anne Laval and Magdalena Lewoc
Aneta Greszykowska & Jan Smaga » Bogna Buska » Marta Deskur » Zelda Klimkowska » Zelda Kowalczyk » Katarzyna Kozyra » Konrad Kuzyszyn » Monika Maria Matrasek » Dominik Pabis » Wojciech Prazmowski » Jerzy Truszkowski » Monika Wiechowska » Pawel Zak » Agata Zbylut »
Exhibition: 21 Jan – 20 Feb 2005
Thessaloniki Museum of Photography
3, Navarchou Votsi str.
54624 Thessaloniki
+30 2310-566716
Tue-Sun 11-19
Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Apollonia, European Art Exchanges and the Forum for European Artistic Mobility of Thessaloniki present the exhibition entitled Contemporary identities, Photography in Poland today. The curators of the exhibition are: Dimitris Konstantinidis (director of the Apollonia European Art Exchanges), Anne Laval, (photographer) and Magdalena Lewoc (curator of the Contemporary Gallery of the National Museum of Szczecin). The exhibition deals with subjects of identities that detain the interest of the modern world. Dimitris Konstantinidis cites: "Photo and video are two relatively recent media in Polish visual arts. The issue of identity is a central, not to say predominant theme in most artistic approaches. It is an issue that is either tackled head-on, through works dealing with the body or portraits, or more indirectly, by working on subjects such as habitat, social space or consumer objects and daily life. It is an identity, which is deeply rooted both in the distant memories and the more recent history of the country, which is going through a spectacular transition, as it (re)joins the European community. I, the other, and us… Never has the question of the quest for identity been so inspiring, impassioned and complex. The geographical and socio-economic context of Europe is changing so fundamentally, moving towards a clear opposition between individual and collective memory. Poland's strategic position makes it an ambiguous place, that of union and disunion between Germany and Russia, between eastern and western Europe. This situation explains why the quest for Polish identity is so difficult. The artists exhibited here interpret, question, manipulate and recompose all of these identity-related elements, at times with solemnity, at others with humour and irony, but always with the same objective in mind: understanding and grasping the poetry of the universe which surrounds us.” The artists participating in the exhibition are: Grzeszykowska Aneta, Smaga Jan, Klimkowska Zelda, Kowalczyk Sylwia, Kuzyszyn Konrad, Pabis Dominik, Prazmowski Wojciech, Truszkowski Jerzy, Zak Pawel, Burska Bogna, Deskur Marta, Matraszek Monika Maria, Nowicka Hanna, Wiechowska Monika, Zbylut Agata. In the exhibition there will be also a video projection of artists who present diverse interconnection between the public and private space, between the notions, emotions, thoughts and the world that surrounds us. Co-organisation: Council of Europe, Culture 2000 Program - European Commission, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and French Ministry of Culture & Communication, Apollonia European Art Exchanges, National Museum of Szczecin, Poland, City of Szczecin, Forum 2004, Artbox Arts Management.