Katarzyna Górna »
Happy Birthday. Katarzyna Górna 1994-2004
Exhibition: 16 Dec 2004 – 23 Jan 2005
Gallery of Contemporary Art BUNKIER SZTUKI
Plac Szczepañski 3a
31-011 Kraków
Rynek Glowny 20
31-008 Krakow
(48) (12)-4221052
Tue-Sun 11-18
The exhibition will include nine works exhibited before: Zabawa z niteczk [Playing with A Thread, 1994], 10 Panien [10 Maids, 1995], Aniolek Ruzyczka Rybka [Darling Honey Sweetheart, 1996], Madonny [Madonnas, 1997], Fuck Me, Fuck You, Peace [2000], Zestaw kobiet [The Women Set, 2000], Portret podwÛjny [Double Portrait, 2000], Polskie kobiety [Polish Women, 2002] and Sumo [2003], most of which are large-format photographs. There will also be an upstairs presentation of a DVD work which has been prepared by the artist especially for this exhibition. It is her say in the discussion about the issue of gender identity, typical of modern society. In this project the artist explores various problems of theoretical gender studies as well as criticizes practical application thereof. Gurna's work draws upon problems with femaleness and related social and iconographic stereotypes. Her photographs are both highly aesthetic not only by many references to classical works of art, and denouncing. The artist harshly criticizes the historically accepted status of women as well as social roles imposed on them.