PHotoEspaña 2005 (PHE05) - Ciudad // City
Diego Barajas » Bernd & Hilla Becher » René Burri » Gabriel Cualladó » Jose Dávila » Sena da Silva » Stan Douglas » Antonio Julio Duarte » Donna Ferrato » Fernell Franco » Alberto García-Alix » Stephen Gill » William Klein » Joan Morey » Selina Ou » Bill Owens » Martin Parr » Walter Rosenblum » Comenius Röthlisberger » Stephen Shore » Montserrat Soto » Oliviero Toscani » Miguel Trillo » Bertien van Manen » Massimo Vitali » Donovan Wylie » & others
Festival: 1 Jun – 17 Jul 2005
Alameda 9
28014 Madrid
PHE05 comprises 52 exhibitions of the work of more than a hundred photographers and visual artists from 20 countries. Among the great names in this edition are Bernd and Hilla Becher, William Klein, Stan Douglas and Stephen Shore. PHotoEspaña presents new projects produced specifically for the Festival by Martin Parr, Bertien van Manen, Miguel Trillo and Juan Ugalde. PHE Campus organises workshops in Aranjuez with René Burri, Alberto García-Alix, Donna Ferrato and Massimo Vitali, among others. Oliviero Toscani will give a master class. Encuentros PHE addresses the Festival theme with the participation of architects and urban planners. PHotoEspaña leaves Madrid for the first time. Toledo will host two Official Section exhibitions. IVAM and the Instituto Cervantes join the Festival. The eighth edition of the International Festival of Photography and the Visual Arts, PHotoEspaña 2005, begins in Madrid on June 1st. Once again, the city’s major museums, art centres, exhibition halls and galleries host more than 50 exhibitions with recent projects by outstanding visual artists and images by the great masters of international photography. PHotoEspaña is photography’s fiesta: exhibitions, activities, professional encounters, a portfolio review, workshops and master classes with photographers are all ingredients of a festival that for a month and a half turns Madrid into the world capital of photography. The title of PHE05 is Ciudad (The City). The 26 exhibitions in the Official Section are characterised by the use of documentary languages and the proximity of artistic work to common experience. Ciudad speaks of current urban reality by taking a journey into our daily existence in the single global city. Ciudad is a route that tests the capacity of visual arts to give form in the richest and most critical way possible to the complex and confusing urban life of our time. It is a proposal committed to the present that describes the global city in which we live and simultaneously inspires in spectators possible interpretations of the future. In this edition, PHotoEspaña increases the number of exhibitions produced specifically for the Festival. Eleven artists show new projects commissioned by PHotoEspaña. Twenty-one art galleries and five guest halls participate in the Off Festival. Artist index by room/gallery CASA DE AMÉRICA Oscar Mariné Fernell Franco Diego Barajas CENTRO CULTURAL CONDE DUQUE William Klein Empirismos Mass Observation CENTRO CULTURAL DE LA VILLA Main Street. Urban Photography in America Walter Rosenblum Stephen Shore Bill Owens CÍRCULO DE BELLAS ARTES A Journey Around My House Satoshi Minakawa Guy Tillim Miguel Trillo David Spero Francesco Jodice y Kal Karman Martín Parr Bertien Van Manen CONSEJERÍA DE CULTURA Y DEPORTES In the Cities. Photographs from the Foto Colectania Foundation Ricky Dávila FUNDACIÓN ASTROC Gabriel Cualladó FUNDACIÓN CANAL Fotoleve FUNDACIÓN TELEFÓNICA Bernd y Hilla Becher HOTEL NH NACIONAL **** Selina Ou INJUVE / Sala Amadís Joan Morey MUSEO COLECCIONES ICO Keith Haring MUSEO MUNICIPAL DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO DE MADRID Comenius Roethlisberger MUSEO NACIONAL CENTRO DE ARTE REINA SOFÍA Montserrat Soto REAL JARDÍN BOTÁNICO Stan Douglas Stephen Gill SECCIÓN OFICIAL OTHER VENUES MUSEO DE SANTA CRUZ DE TOLEDO Public Service Donovan Wylie Art Chantry FESTIVAL OFF GALERÍES Arnés y Röpke Brian Mckee Arte y Naturaleza Alexander Apóstol / Sergio Belinchón / Hannah Collins / Carlos Garaicoa / Juan Carlos González-Santiago / Mónica Lleó Astarté Manuel Vilches Blanca Soto Al-Aralch / Larache. A City between the Present and Memories Centro de Arte Moderno Buenos Aires Buenos Aires –de los 50 al 2000– Distrito Cu4tro Naia del Castillo / Laurie Simmons Elba Benítez David Goldblatt Fernando Pradilla Synthetic Urbanism. Visions of the Postmodern City Guillermo de Osma Eduardo Momeñe Helga de Alvear James Casebere Javier López Jack Pierson Juana de Aizpuru Priscila Monge La Fábrica Galería Yaël Davids Magda Belloti Fernando Baena Marina Miranda - Eugenio Castro Marta Cervera Jordi Bernadó Moriarty Chema Madoz Oliva Arauna Altadis Prize Pilar Parra & Romero Galería de Arte Slow Down Rafael Pérez Hernando Arte Contemporáneo Lamia Naji Travesía Cuatro Ignasi López FESTIVAL OFF INVITED SPACES EFTI Guy Le Querrec FNAC Stéphane Couturier FUNDACIÓN COAM Madrid-Barcelona: A parallel view GOETHE INSTITUT MADRID Reinhard Matz INSTITUTO DE MÉXICO Héctor García