Edith Roux »
Guangzhou Photo Biennial 2005
Exhibition: 18 Jan – 28 Feb 2005
Guangdong Museum of Art
38 Yanyu Road, Er-sha Island
510105 Guangzhou
Tue-Sun 9-17
Commissioned by the French National Contemporary Arts Council The shots in "Underscape" were photographed in 2002 in Shanghai, window of the economic development of China and decisive stake of the process of globalisation which affects the country. As in Europe where they followed the cathedrals, the majority of the buildings, in the vast megapoles of China, are devoted today to the worship of Consumption. Such is the main feeling, filled with nausea and giddiness, desire and satisfaction, to which the "candy generation” the thirty years old testify. In Shanghai, Edith Roux chose to work in the subway to seize the invasion of public space and minds by the worship of consumption, to understand their change under the globalisant effect of the advertising imagery. Underscape - a strange place somewhere in between People Plazza, Global Cityscape and Shopping Utopia...