Guangzhou Photo Biennial 2005
Pablo Carrera Oser » Nathalie Desserme » Frédéric Jacquemot » Thierry Kleiner » Esther Levine » Jan Michalko » Hisashi Murayama » Filippo Romano » Olivier Thébaud » Cyrille Weiner »
Exhibition: 18 Jan – 28 Feb 2005
Guangdong Museum of Art
38 Yanyu Road, Er-sha Island
510105 Guangzhou
Tue-Sun 9-17
Tangophoto Is a group of young authors made up of different nationalities. The members support a free photography and share the same interest in photographing life. Beyond the variety of styles, the cohesion of the group articulates around collective and individual actions, which allows a crossing of styles, approaches, multiplies the points of view and favor exchanges.Tangophoto was created in 1996. These ten photographers grouped up to produce and distribute their images. They question the way of photographing reality, exploring an in between style of documentary photography through journalism and contemporary art photography. Their unity is based on a shared desire to capture reality such as it is, such as men live it in everyday life, to better understand it or simply to confront their sensitivity.The group explores an alternative way of organization and distributing pictures : a very light structure based on an international open network that is linked to photo agencies, freelance photographers, editors, publishers, photographic and cultural institutions.Since 1998, the internet site www.tangophoto.net offers a multimedia showcase for our documents and photographic researches. Pablo Carrera Oser (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Nathalie Desserme (Paris, France), Frédéric Jacquemot (Paris, France) ; Thierry Kleiner (Bern, Switzerland), Esther Levine (New York, United States), Jan Michalko (Berlin, Germany), Hisashi Murayama (New York, United States), Filippo Romano (Milan, Italy), Olivier Thébaud (Paris, France), Cyrille Weiner (Paris, France).