DAI Mouyu »
Guangzhou Photo Biennial 2005
Exhibition: 18 Jan – 28 Feb 2005
Guangdong Museum of Art
38 Yanyu Road, Er-sha Island
510105 Guangzhou
Tue-Sun 9-17
Born in Guangdong, Dai Mouyu now works as a journalist in a Shanghai newspaper and spends all of his sparse free time observing urban phenomenons of little interest to most. Through a powerful individual point of view and innovating pictural composition, his colour photographs reveal how strange and puzzling the city can be and also show how lonely man can be with a desperate kind of poetry especially within his combinations of early morning shots.Du YingnanDuring a three years stay in London, Du Yingnan started to photograph the city at night. Staying away from post card cliché, he offers a vision where the complexity of human feelings disappear. Under the street-light, within a foggy atmosphere people look like ghosts giving of London a lonely feeling. Rambling the streets with his camera, Du Yingnan did not try to photograph the scenic spots but tried to find a harbour to rest his wandering soul.When back in China, Du Yingnan followed a similar track, offering of Shanghai at night, the portrait of an uncertain, sleepy and delusive city with its own peculiar flavour. The murky and quivering images show a very personal state of mind, a certain fascination for nocturnal strolling.