Cape Town Month of Photography
Jenny Altschuler » Pieter Badenhorst » Jeff Barbee » Jean Brundrit » Jillian Edelstein » Sarel Eloff » Kayo Fusejima » David Goldblatt » Rhonda Klevansky » Muzi Kuzwayo » Nan Melville » Zanele Muholi » Ricardo Rangel » Jürgen Schadeberg » Antonia Steyn » Mikhael Subotzky » Julia Tiffin » Andrew Tshabangu » Kali van der Merwe » Jan Verboom » Sue Williamson » Dale Yudelman » & others
Exhibition: 17 Feb – 30 Mar 2005
The South African Centre for Photography
31 Orange Street . Gardens
Cape Town
+27 (0)21-4807108
The South African Centre for Photography is proud to host the Third Cape Town Month of Photography. (MoP) Launched in 1999, this festival is a landmark biennial event on the African sub-continent and has succeeded in fore grounding South African photography to both local and international audiences We have assembled an impressive collection of contemporary Southern African photographic art, representing a rich mix of both emerging and seasoned visions. Whether created to inform, impress, or entertain, all of the offerings on show should leave you a little wiser. More than eighty exhibitions are being showcased in galleries, malls and other venues across the city. We thank our many sponsors, whose generosity enables all South African photographers to reap the benefits of this event. Our special thanks and congratulations go to those photographers who have invested their time, energy and enormous creativity to make the Cape Town Month of Photography a success. We hope you enjoy the experience... The South African Centre for Photography is hosting its third Cape Town Month of Photography ( MoP ). The event will open early February and run until the end of March 2005. As a partner in the Cape Town Festival (6 -26 March 2005) this event promises to be a visual and cultural feast. Exhibitors this year range from many established and well-known South African photographers such as David Goldblatt, Jenny Altschuler, Andrew Tshabangu, Jürgen Schadeberg, Dale Yudelman and Jean Brundrit, to talented unknowns such as Kayo Fusejima and Antonia Steyn. The official opening of the Month of Photography is at 6pm - Thursday 17th February at the B Block of Iziko at the Castle of Good Hope. It is the core show with 15 solo photographic shows. In addition, a group show is hosted by the Johannesburg based Market Photo Workshop Women Photographers. Another group of shows opens on the 24th February at 'The Mall' (between Vida 'e caffé and the Labia in Rheede Street, Gardens). This is followed by the opening of H.Rautenbach's show in Club Opium in Somerset Road in Green Point at 9pm, which continues into a MOP RAVE. On Monday evening 7th March, as part of both MOP and the Cape Town City Festival, an evening of 'Live Exhibitions' will be hosted where photographers will present their work at the Biocafe (32 Kloof Street). Here the photographers are expected to engage with the audience in a shared dialogue around the work presented. Apart from a daily walkabouts which are scheduled every day from the 21st February through to 18 March, education workshops are being held for school groups led by Buzwe Taliwe of City Varsity and a workshop for the Guga S'thebe community centre photographers from Langa by a group of Mozambiquan photographers (including master photographer Ricardo Rangel) See their show at at the Joao Ferreira Art Gallery. ( Iluminando Vidas curated by Bruno Z'Graggen and Grant Lee Neuenburg) Some of the core exhibitions include David Goldblatt's Intersections at the Michael Stevenson Gallery from 7 February till 12 March 2005. Zanele Muholi exhibition is a personal body of work at the Castle of Good Hope titled Visual Sexuality which runs from February 17 till 11 March. Dale Yudelman's career in photography has led him through two eras of South African history as well as across several continents. Jeff Barbee will also be exhibiting at Iziko B Block at the Castle from 17 February until 11 March 2005. Rima Geffen's body of work titled Between Six and Twelve will also be displayed at the Castle from 17 February until 11 March. Jenny Altschuler's exhibition, Selfsuspicion, also at the castle, explores the relationship between the subject and the photographer. Mikheal Subotzky will be exhibiting his show Die Vier Hoeke at Pollsmoor Prison Admissions Centre in the cell where Nelson Mandella was held during his four year sentence at the prison. Sean Wilson will be exhibiting One Man's Waste is Another Man's Want at The Photographers Gallery from 21 February 2005 till 19 March 2005. Muzi Kuzwayo, also exhibiting at The Photographers Gallery will be showing his show If These Walls Could Talk from 23 February 2005 till 19 March 2005. Claire Breukel and Tracy Gander are curators of a show at the Joao Ferreira Gallery from 15 February till 22 March 2005. This show titled Girl's Night Out and it is a thematic exhibition that undertakes the question of what it means to be a woman living within a South African context. The Joao Ferreira Gallery will also be hosting the show Iluminado Vidas from the 2 March till the 26 March 2005. This exhibition showcases Mozambique Photography. The Bell Roberts Gallery will be hosting the group show Sweet Nothings from 9 February till 5 March 2005. Pieter Badenhorst's new ongoing body of work 'Rugby vs Soccer ' is showing upstairs at the same venue. Jennifer Lovemore-Reed will be exhibiting at the Bell Roberts Gallery from 8 March till 14 March 2005. Rodger Bosch, Karin Retief, Garth Stead and Eric Miller have organized an exhibition of young photographers work titled Identity that will be shown at the Red Cross Children's Hospital. These are just a few of the exhibitions and what becomes evident is that within an historically isolated arena, the Cape Town Month of Photography has brought the wealth of Southern African photographic talent together in one spectacular event . MoP has also succeeded in bringing an international flavour to the biennial. Apart from our 2002 African exhibitions, we also hosted exhibitions from Finland, Italy, France, the USA, and the United Kingdom. MoP's primary aim however is to seek out, celebrate and promote the wealth of Southern African photographic expertise to the world at large.