Imre Benkö »
Twins, 1982-2005
Exhibition: 23 Jun – 18 Sep 2005
Hungarian House of Photography
Nagymezõ utca 20
H-1065 Budapest
Tue-Sun 12-19
If I had to divide people into groups, I’d make a category of those who are familiar with Imre Benko’s photos, and another one of those who aren’t. I hope his books and exhibitions increase the number of those who belong to the first group. However, the collection about to be exhibited this time might hold a few surprises for them as well. Following the footsteps of great predecessors, Benko now decided to focus on portrait, or rather portraits of twins. And he undertakes the project with his usual long-term approach, showing us a collection, that has been going on for years and years. He applies all the simple and yet so dense methods of meaning-creation, he used in his previous works. His portraits of twins – faces, shapes, persons – now show in a new context all that Imre Benko thinks and knows about people, life and photography.