Loud & Clear & TOO at Galeria Noua Bucarest, Romania
Pierre Bismuth » Anna & Bernhard Blume » Candice Breitz » Pierre Huyghe » Christian Jankowski » Tamás Komoróczky » Yayoi Kusama » Aernout Mik » L.A. Raeven » Pipilotti Rist » & others
Screening: 30 Nov 2005 – 15 Jan 2006
BIFRONS at Galeria Noua Bucarest, Romania
BIFRONS presents a new art & music video 30 November – 15 January 2006 Galeria Noua Bucarest, Romania 18 November – 18 December 2005 Chinese European Art Center Xiamen City, Fujian 27 October – 1 November 2005, Art Cologne World premiere: Candice Breitz + Alex Fahl + KesselsKramer Premiere: Loud & Clear & TOO 27 October – 1 November 2005, Museum Ludwig Cologne Premiere: Loud & Clear & TOO The Bifrons Foundation initiates multidisciplinary projects. We are looking for an intermediary switch between music, visual art and new media. The 'bifrons space' is a virtual in-between space where worlds collapse and new connections are set up, which may lead to other disciplines and cultural movements. The Bifrons office is in Amsterdam (NL), but every project is related to a fresh international web of links between musicians, artists, composers, curators, writers and critics, among different audiences, cutting edge exhibition spaces, performance venues and museums. Loud & Clear & TOO is an interdisciplinary project by the Bifrons Foundation, in which we invited not only composers and visual artists for a unique collaboration, but we also asked advertisement agencies to contribute. Loud & Clear & TOO seeks a dynamic between image and music, between artists from different disciplines and between the commercially-based market and the autonomy of high art. These days, contemporary art is being increasingly influenced by the visual power of advertising, while in their turn advertisers are being shown in museums with their commission-based work. Loud & Clear & TOO contains an essay by the Dutch critic Paul Groot and texts about the individual film works and music by Diana Stigter. Participating artists + composers/musicians + publicity designers of the Loud & Clear & TOO project: Pipilotti Rist + Caroline Berkenbosch + *S,C,P,F ... Viktor & Rolf + Toek Numan + Saatchi & Saatchi Marlene Dumas + Ryuichi Sakamoto + KesselsKramer John M Armleder + Hans van Manen + Fastland / Ground Pierre Bismuth + Theo Loevendie + Strawberry Frog Pierre Huyghe + Steamboat Switzerland + KesselsKramer Yayo Kusama + Haukur Tomasson + Jung von Matt Aernout Mik + Gudni Franzson + Wieden & Kennedy Anna & Bernh. Blume + fm3+DouWei+YanJun + International Candice Breitz + Alex Fahl + KesselsKramer Christian Jankowski + Chiel Meijering + DDB Berlin Tamás Komoróczky + Thor Eldon + Heimat L.A. Raeven + Pupilla + Double Standards The Bifrons Foundation was set up in 1998 with the aim of bringing together independent disciplines of contemporary music and contemporary art in the broadest sense of the word. The foundation organises interdisciplinary projects with an international character in continually changing contexts. ________________________ Venues in 2005/2006 27 October – 1 November 2005, Art Cologne World premiere: Candice Breitz + Alex Fahl + KesselsKramer Premiere: Loud & Clear & TOO 27 October – 1 November 2005, Museum Ludwig Cologne Premiere: Loud & Clear & TOO Between November and February 2006 Art & Music 4in1, Wuhan China 18 - 25 November 2005, Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen China during the "One Minute Film Award". 30 November – 15 January 2006 Galeria Noua Bucarest, Romania More information of this project and other projects: www.bifrons.net You can order the DVD's by the Bifrons Foundation or by Galerie van Gelder, Amsterdam. Gal.van.Gelder@Inter.NL.net www.galerievangelder.nl During the presentation of Loud & Clear & TOO at Museum Ludwig and Art Cologne, we will be present at stand 021 during the art fair: 27 October – 1 November 2005