YEE Nelson »
Slower Than Fast
Exhibition: 6 Jan – 16 Jan 2006
1/F, Devon - Dorset House
TaiKoo Place, Quarry Bay
Hong Kong
People in the business world would seldom stop for a while to enjoy things around their daily lives. Photographer, Nelson Yee, intently adopts "vending machine" as the driving medium for the exhibition. Yee captures the moody moments of the city by contrasting the nightly darkness with neon brightness of vending machine. Via this mechanical device, which is part of the urban cityscape, Yee expresses his unique photograpy language in his first individual showcase. It was documented that the first vending machine in the world was invented by Greek Mathematician Hero, in 215 B.C. in Alexandra of ancient Egypt. The mechanical device was installed in the temple for the followers to purchase holy water for ritual cleansing. The simple and direct interaction between men and machine is now an essential part of our hustle and bustle of city life. Particularly in the night, the existence of vending machines gives a new insight of the unsettling desires of people in the city. Through the explicit angle of Yee's camera, you will be provoked by the magic of our night city.