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FOTOFEST 2006 - Discoveries of the Meeting Place
© Morten Nilsson

FOTOFEST 2006 - Discoveries of the Meeting Place

Lili Almog » Dave Anderson » Luis Delgado » Justin Guariglia » Fredrik Marsh » Martina Mullaney » Morten Nilsson » Esteban Pastorino (Diaz) » Frank Rodick » Brad Temkin »

Exhibition: 10 Mar – 23 Apr 2006


2000 Edwards St, Bldg C, Ste 2
TX 77002 Houston



FotoFest is curating and commissioning 20 exhibitions around dual themes: The Earth and Artists Responding to Violence. The Earth continues and expands the FotoFest 2004 exploration of Water, combining conceptual and figurative interpretations of earth through artistic expression, science, and public policy. Artists Responding to Violence is a separate but connected theme to The Earth. Human-created violence, from war to the household, is omni-present and ubiquitous. It is not only threatening the existence of earth but is transforming the nature of political society. In exploring this theme, FotoFest is not focusing on the depiction of violent acts but rather on how creative artists interpret these acts of violence, the human capacity for violence, and the presence of violence in many aspects of life. Discoveries of the Meeting Place The one non-themed FotoFest exhibition is the sixth Discoveries of the Meeting Place exhibit. It highlights the work of ten outstanding artists selected by curator/reviewers from artists whose portfolios they reviewed at FotoFest’s 2004 International Meeting Place. The Meeting Place is FotoFest’s acclaimed portfolio review program for artists. It is the largest program of its kind in the world. The 2004 Discoveries exhibit will feature Lili Almog (U.S.A., selected by Juan Alberto Gaviria), Dave Anderson (U.S.A., selected by Yossi Milo), Luis Delgado (U.S.A., selected by Fernando Castro), Esteban Pastorino Diaz (Argentina, selected by Burt & Missy Finger), Justin Guariglia (Singapore, selected by Alan E. Rapp), Fredrik Marsh (U.S.A., selected by John Bennette), Martina Mullaney (U.K., selected by Charlotte Cotton), Morten Nilsson (Denmark, selected by Xavier Cannone & Marc Vausort), Frank Rodick (Canada, selected by Katherine Ware), and Brad Temkin (U.S.A, selected by Evgeny Berezner & Irina Tchmyreva).

FOTOFEST 2006 - Discoveries of the Meeting Place
© Martina Mullaney
FOTOFEST 2006 - Discoveries of the Meeting Place
© Dave Anderson
FOTOFEST 2006 - Discoveries of the Meeting Place
© Lili Almog