from "Cosmetic View" 2005
60 x 50 or 100 x 80 cm
Van Zoetendaal, Amsterdam
DFOTO International Contemporary Photography and Video-Art Fair
Fair: 4 May – 7 May 2006
Kursaal San Sebastiàn
Avda. de Zurriola, 1
20002 San Sebastián
+34 (943)-217057
The Fundación Centro Ordóñez-Falcón de Fotografía (the COFF Foundation) will be hosting the third edition of DFOTO, the San Sebastian International Contemporary Photography and Video-Art Fair, on the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th of May, 2006 in the Kursaal Convention Center.
The Fair, which has been very successful in past years and has received more than 12,000 visitors, will welcome 42 national and international galleries that have been invited by the organisers of the event.
The interest generated and the results produced during last year’s fair have prompted almost all of the participating galleries to ask to be included once again. This year the following national and international galleries will be present:
Adhoc (Vigo) | Anne Barrault (Paris) | Cent 8 – Serge le Borgne (Paris) | Clairefontaine (Luxembourg) | Estrany de la Mota (Barcelona) | Fernando Silió (Santander) | Filomena Soares (Lisbon) | Flatland Gallery (Utrecht) | Fúcares (Madrid) | Gilles Peyroulet (Paris) | Gimpel Fils (London) | Juana de Aizpuru (Madrid) | La Fábrica Galería (Madrid) | Mai 36 (Zurich) | Marian Goodman (Paris) | Mario Sequeira (Braga) | Marvelli (New York) | Max Estrella (Madrid) | Moisés Pérez de Albéniz (Pamplona) | Pedro Oliveira (Porto) | ProjecteSD (Barcelona) | Salvador Díaz (Madrid) | Springer & Winckler (Berlin) | Stefan Röpke (Madrid and Cologne) | T20 (Murcia) | Tomás March (Valencia) | Toni Tápies (Barcelona) | Van Zoetendaal (Amsterdam) | Visor (Valencia) | Vu´la Galerie (Paris).
In addition, eleven new galleries from Spain and around the world will be taking part:
Brancolinigrimaldi (Florence and Rome) | Conrads (Dusseldorf) | Estiarte (Madrid) | Frèches Fine Arts (Paris) | Galería Hafenrichter & Flügel (Nuremberg) | I-20 (New York) | Kamel Mennour (Paris) | Les filles du calvaire (Paris) | Nogueras Blanchard (Barcelona) | Pepe Cobo (Madrid) | Polaris (Paris) | Max Wilgram Gallery (London).
A complete Collectors Program will take place with the aim of attracting collectors and making Donostia-San Sebastián a reference point in the world of image, promoting and generating a setting that is conducive to private, institutional and corporate art collecting.
Once again, after its great success at last year’s event, DFOTO will include a bookshop, to be managed by Kowasa (Barcelona) one of the most prestigious photography bookshops in Europe. Here visitors will be able to purchase publications, catalogues and journals about photography, thus contributing to increased knowledge and awareness of this means of expression.

Cindy and Nkuly (serie: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder)
2004 / 30 x 20 cm.
Brancolini Grimaldi Arte contemporanea Roma, Firenze

MELT, Toyota 3, 2005
190 x 250 cm.
Clairefontaine, Luxembourg

Untitled (Hannah), 2005
35,56 x 27,94 cm.
Marvelli Gallery, New York