Mutations I
Philippe Ramette
Balcon II (Hong-Kong), 2001
Épreuve couleur 156 X 125,7 cm
Tirage original n° 2/3
Collection Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris
© Marc Domage / Courtesy galerie Xippas, Paris
Götz Diergarten » Esther Haase » Lech Majewski » Philippe Ramette » Sasha Stone » Bernd Uhlig »
Exhibition: 27 Oct – 30 Nov 2006
Monat der Fotografie
Klosterstr. 68/70
10179 Berlin

EMOP Berlin
Klosterstr. 68
10179 Berlin
+49 (0)30-24749888
within the frame of EUROPEAN MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHY Paris | Wien | Berlin | Bratislava | Luxemburg | Moskau | Rom MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHY 2006 in Berlin October 27 - November 30, 2006 www.mdf-berlin.de Month of Photography in Berlin 2006 with more than 150 exhibitions The "Month of Photography" will be taking place for the second time in Berlin in November 2006. Originally created in 1980 as "Mois de la Photo" by the Berlin twin city Paris, it is now an event that takes place every two years in different major cities across Europe. The "Month of Photography" offers a large variety of exhibitions to the ever growing international photography buffs, not only ranging from historical to contemporary exhibitions but also presenting itself as a platform for discussions and workshops. The different aspects of photography will be on show during the festival: artistic, documentary, ethnological and even press photography here play an important role. Participating in the project are private and public collections, galleries, archives, cultural institutions and embassies specialized in presenting historical and contemporary international photography with more than 150 exhibitions. European Month of Photography "The European Month of Photography" was first extended from Paris to Vienna and to Berlin in 2004, starting a strong exchange of exhibitions between these three cities. This year, three European capitals will join the festival, thus bringing to the project a truly European dimension with activities sponsored by the "old" and the "new" EU-countries and partners. The institutions of the participating countries will be part of a cultural exchange "joint venture" presenting in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Bratislava, Luxembourg, Moscow and Rome contemporary European photography by photographers of the seven participant countries, culminating in one of the main highlights: Mutations I. Opening The festival will open on October 27th with the first monographical exhibition on the legendary photographer of the Weimarer Republic Sasha Stone in the Berlinische Galerie. His images for the publication "Berlin in pictures" (1929) were considered lost for good until they were discovered by chance in Vienna by the curators of "The Month of Photography". A further highlight will be the exhibit "famous" by the group klubfoto starting on November 2nd in the Martin-Gropius-Bau. Once a year, this forum for photography based in Hamburg calls on photographers to present photography works inspired by a certain topic. During the whole of November, Berlin will be the host for a multitude of events such as the Berlin photomarathon, the fair for photography "Fotobild" and different conferences and workshops. For further information and updates on the "European Month of Photography" please check: www.mdf-berlin.de Coordination Museumspädagogischer Dienst Berlin (MD Berlin) Klosterstraße 68-70 . D-10179 Berlin-Mitte Curator: Thomas Friedrich Projectmanager: Oliver Bätz Projectassistant: Kathrin Kohle info@mdberlin.de Press Philip Krippendorff, Celia Solf, Stefan Hirtz Schliemannstr. 2, D-10437 Berlin Fon: +49 (0)30 440 10 720 Fax: +49 (0)30 280 81 61 E-Mail: mail@artefakt-berlin.de Downloads at www.artefakt-berlin.de Sponsors Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Frauen: projektzukunft Berlin Partner GmbH Alcatel

Sasha Stone
Tiergarten. Großer Stern, 1927/1928
© Serge Stone

Götz Diergarten, "o.T. (Kingsgate – Botany Bay)", 2003
Courtesy Kicken Berlin
© Götz Diergarten

Esther Haase, Hanna Braun, geb. 1919,
Berlin 2001
© Esther Haase