FotoGrafia. Festival Internazionale di Roma
Olivo Barbieri » Doris Bloom » Alexandra Boulat » Braco Dimitrijevic » Pieter Hugo » Dino Ignani » Ingar Krauss » Michael Light » Giuseppe Loy » Gerd Ludwig » Sally Mann » Don McCullin » Brian McKee » Zwelethu Mthethwa » August Sander » Corrado Sassi » Gerardo Suter » Guy Tillim » André Villers » & others
Exhibition: 1 Apr – 7 Jun 2004
. Zone Attive s.r.l.
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47
00185 Roma
FotoGrafia. Festival Internazionale di Roma
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 47
00185 Roma
+39 06-4927141

The opening of the third edition of FotoGrafia – Rome’s international photography festival, sponsored by the Mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, took place with the traditional rendezvous at the Trajan Markets. A unique occasion for discovering the work of over two hundred photographers on display in over forty exhibitions held in some of the city’s most evocative venues. The focal point of the festival are the Trajan Markets (2 April–6 June) which will host two world previews produced by Zone Attive for FotoGrafia: The Tribes of Southern Ethiopia, an anthropological picture story by Don McCullin on this region of the Horn of Africa, accompanied by a retrospective showcasing the highlights of his extraordinary photographic output, and site specific_roma04 by Olivo Barbieri which, like Koudelka’s 2003 Il teatro del tempo, belongs to the series of works by great photographers on the theme of Rome commissioned by the festival. Also to be held at the Trajan Markets is the exhibition Dietro l’immagine. Ritratti di povertà rurale (Behind the image: portraits of rural poverty) produced by IFAD, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, with images by Alexandra Boulat, David Alan Harvey, Gerd Ludwing, Pascal Maitre and Alex Webb. As in the previous editions, the 2004 festival will also focus on a single country. This year it is the turn, after Mexico and Chile, of South Africa on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of democracy and Nelson Mandela’s election as president. The British School at Rome Gallery (6 April – 4 June) will be hosting the group exhibition Sugar in the Petrol with artists such as Abrie Fourie, Andrew Tshabangu, Zwelethu Mthethwa and Doris Bloom, who will also be displaying paintings at Galleria Miscetti. The IsIAO, Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient, (5 April – 28 May) will be hosting the exhibition 10 anni 10 voci (10 years 10 voices) with the works of 10 promising young South African artists. At the Sala 1 gallery, Kunhinga Portraits (3 April-31 May), 10 photos taken in Angola during the civil war by the South African photojournalist Guy Tillim and at the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna Ritratti di Albini (Portraits of Albinos) by Pieter Hugo (15 April-16 May), a thought-provoking reflection on diversity in the South African population. During the next few months the festival will be offering a whole range of possibilities of discovering and getting to know the works of the many artists involved. The Acquario Romano (5-19 June) will be hosting a multimedia photographic exhibition dedicated to Viaggi in Oriente (Travels in the Orient) and to the artistic and spiritual search of ten twentieth-century Italian masters: Antonioni, Boetti, Clemente, Maraini, Moravia, Ontani, Pasolini, Rossellini, Schifano, Sottsass. The following exhibitions will be held in Palazzo della Calcografia (27 April – 6 June): Deep South by Sally Mann, a series of anthropomorphic landscapes created by the artist in Mississippi and Louisiana, portraits taken by Ingar Krauss in Russian orphanages and prisons, and La Dura Bellezza (Hard Beauty) with works by Koudelka, Giacomelli, Cartier-Bresson, Salgado, Ray, Freed, Norfolk, Miller, Stern, Witkin, Basilico, Newton, Garcia Rodero, Garduño, Palma, Secchiaroli, Sutkus, Schifano, Eustachio, Bossaglia. The Museo Andersen (23 April–20 June) will be hosting photography of a more contemporary nature with a group exhibition by Erwin Wurm, Gabriel Orozco and Richard Wentworth, an ideal encounter between these three artist-photographers and the works on display by the sculptor-painter Hendrik Christian Andersen. The Museo di Roma – Palazzo Braschi (7 April–6 June) will host Mediterraneo. Fotografie di viaggio dal 1850 al 1910 (Mediterranean. Travel photographs from 1850 to 1910) with works by some of the greatest photographers of that period, including Giorgio Sommer and Ludovico Tuminello The Sala Santa Rita will host Original Malawi (7 –24 April), a project on life in the Balaka district with photographs taken with single-use cameras by boys and girls born and raised in Malawi who had never had any contacts with the world of photography. The Museo di Roma in Trastevere, (7-27 May) will be hosting an exhibition with 200 photographs from the 2004 World Press Photo Awards and Sguardi e Riflessi (Gazes and Reflections), a group exhibition by nine young Italian artists curated by G.R.I.N., the National Picture Editors’ Group, while the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna (12 May- 4 July) will host Sotto la tenda di Abramo (Under Abraham’s Tent) by Ivo Saglietti, an exhibition dedicated to daily life in a Syrian monastery. On display on the façade of Palazzo delle Esposizioni (1 April-20 May) the faces of Roman passers-by portrayed by Braco Dimitrijevic in The Casual Passers–by I met 2004. This artist will also be presenting his installation Balkan walzer 2003 (5 April – 20 May) at the Studio d’Arte Contemporanea Pino Casagrande. As the title suggests the exhibition L’Album di Roma. Fotografie private del Novecento (The Roman album. Privately-owned twentieth-century photographs) at Piazza Navona (23 April–14 May) will display private images belonging to Romans. The Hungarian Academy (10-29 May) will host L’Italia attraverso l’obiettivo ungherese (Italy through a Hungarian lens) with selected images taken from the collection of the Hungarian Photographic Museum, while the Romanian Academy (11-30 May) will host Grandi bagnanti (Great bathers) by Alessandro Albert and Paolo Verzone. The festival will continue through the summer with five major exhibitions: Ritratti (Portraits) by August Sander at the Capitoline Museums (7 July -19 September); Italia – Doppie Visioni (Italy – Double Visions) at the Scuderie del Quirinale (2 June - 5 September), ten themes on Italy expressed by Italian and international photographers; 100 soli (100 suns) curated by Michael Light with images of the nuclear tests in American deserts at the Parco della Musica - Auditorium “Arte” (28 May –1 August); L’Utopia della visione. Fotogrammi sovietici, 1917-1930 (The Utopia of vision. Soviet pictures, 1917-1930) (23 June-27 September) held at the Museo di Roma - Palazzo Braschi and Innocent Landscapes (3 June-5 July) by David Farrell at the Museo di Roma in Trastevere. Joining the various academies and cultural institutes hosting festival events are many of the city’s art galleries: AAM, Acta International, Valentina Bonomo artecontemporanea, Del Cortile, Studio d’Arte Contemporanea Pino Casagrande, Evangelisti+Corvaglia, Interno 12, Il Segno, Living Gallery TA MATETE, Luxardo, Massenzio Arte, Stefania Miscetti, Valentina Moncada, Sala 1, Sisters, Studio Trisorio. Cataloghi FotoGrafia 2004 FotoGrafia Festival pp. 102, Zone Attive Edizioni, EUR 10,00 Olivo Barbieri Site_specific_roma04 pp. 102, Zone Attive Edizioni, EUR 10,00 Richiesta cataloghi: info@fotografiafestival.it