"Can someone tell us", 2006
Laminated C-Print on Aluminium
122 x 155 cm
Olaf Breuning . Torbjørn Rødland
Olaf Breuning » Torbjørn Rødland »
Exhibition: 24 Nov 2006 – 1 Jan 2007
Galería Leyendecker
Rambla General Franco, 86
38004 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Galeria Leyendecker
Rambla de Santa Cruz 86
38004 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
+34 92-2280053
Mon-Fri 10-14 + 17-20
Olaf Breuning was born in 1970 in Schaffhausen, Switzerland and lives and works in New York. He has made shows in Kodama Gallery in Japan, Nils Staerk Contemporary in Denmark and Metro Pictures Gallery, New York, among many others. His success of critic remains on his ability to mix, under a curious sight, high and low culture. He revives artistic topics as fear to death or cultural differences, and connect them to the youth sub-cultures, rock and scary movies. His photographs and films, crowded of vikings, ghosts, monsters and dressed up beings, show characters with psychological modern obsessions, with a half-caste aesthetics, not withouth irony and some sense of humour. Primitivism, lost culture, and rebuild of concept of violence are some of his artistic worries. Torbjørn Rødland was born in Stavenger, Norway in 1970. He has made several exhibitions in Tokio, New York, Copenhagen, Oslo, Paris and San Francisco, among others. He is to photography what the Pet Shop Boys are to pop music: a master of the delicately orchestrated clichée overload, a surcharge of the too obvious, too cute or too inane, played to the point where the images are drained of all trace of common sense and suggest a new sense of silence or mystery. He creates a complex of readings that inveigles the viewer into spending time with each single image, to reconsider its meaning and relevance, reinventing the romantic impulses of popular culture.

"I am Scared of the Chinese", 2006
Laminated C-Print on Aluminium
122 x 155 cm

"Not His Vision", 2005
Silver Print
57 x 45 cm.