Gute Aussichten. Junge deutsche Fotografie // new german photography
Monika Czosnowska » Vanessa Jack » Tilman Peschel »
Exhibition: 9 Jan – 22 Apr 2007
Goethe Institute London
50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
SW7 2PH London
+44 (0)20-75964000
Mon-Sat 11-18
In 2004, curator Josefine Raab initiated a new competition for young photographers in order to break through the rigid structures of the German art scene. Hence the idea of gute aussichten – new german photography is to create a link between still unknown photographers, the public, and potential sponsors of photographic works. The large number of more than 32,000 visitors who went to see the works exhibited by the young talents in Germany in 2005/2006, reflects the great interest in such a project. In its third volume in 2006/2007 the jury of gute aussichten consisting of Josefine Raab, Head of the Museum für Fotografie in Berlin Dr Ludger Derenthal, Mario Lombardo, Art Director of famous German popcultural magazine SPEX, which has been supporting the competition from its beginning, and the German photographer Jürgen Teller had to choose the winners out of 88 final projects handed in by graduates from 28 institutions. Nine winners were selected, whose works constitute a representative overview of photography having been produced in Germany over the last 12 months. The works of three artists who were among the winners of gute aussichten in the past years will be presented at the Goethe-Institut London: Tilman Peschel was born in 1976, was student of Jürgen Klauke in Cologne and, just like the other two artists, has already taken part in several exhibitions. His work examines the human body as a bearer of psychic experiences and tries to fix such processes in pictorial moments. In his Circuit Respirations, which will be presented at the Hugo’s, Tilman Peschel approaches this principal topic of all his works in a very playful way. Monika Czosnowska was born in 1977 and studied at the University of Essen under Bernhard Prinz. Along our staircase we will show her series Novizen, which consists of single portraits of young novices in icon-like strength and simpleness. The timeless and spaceless setting symbolises their desire for purity and perfection. Vanessa Jack, born in 1972 in New-Zealand, studied under Thomas Ruff at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. With her series Projektion, which can be seen in our library, she explores the possibility of viewing objects and landscapes from a multi-dimensional perspective and arranges them into complex, compressed collages.