Confronto di sguardi / Confronting views . The Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Harry Cock » Antoine d'Agata » Didier Ben Loulou » Dinu Mendrea » Paolo Pellegrin » David Sauveur » Henrik Saxgren » Bruno Stevens » Larry Towell »
Exhibition: 10 May – 22 Jun 2003
Contemporaneo Temporaneo
Via G. Giolitti, 34
+39 06-32298435
wed-mon 10-20

Nove diversi fotografi si confrontano con la guerra in Israele. Ognuno a su modo. Gli autori di questa mostra indicano ed interpretano la situazione presente e il suo background, il gioco di azione e reazione che regola la violenza quotidiana e la guerra, il peso della storia, la religione e la violenza. “Confronto di sguardi” non prende posizione ma individua, nell’approccio fotografico, i diversi racconti visivi di questa guerra, composti con stili e linguaggi altri: da modalità fortemente giornalistiche a interpretazioni più immaginative. Il risultato non è quindi solo un confronto tra le fazioni in guerra, ma un confronto anche tra i diversi sguardi sul conflitto israelo-palestinese. ____english____ Since the invention of photography in the 19th century, conflict and war have been amongst its greatest themes. From Robert Capa's pictures taken on the Normandy beach landings during D-Day in 1944, to Don McCullin's 1968 photograph of a shell-shocked U.S. marine in Vietnam, photographers have risked their lives to send home images of monumental and horrific events happening around the world. In Confronting Views nine photographers, all of whom come from a reportage background, employ different stylistic approaches to convey their experience of the Israeli-Palestinian situation. ... Today, as boundaries between photographic fact and digital fiction, and authors' intent and viewers' interpretation are becoming increasingly blurred, photography's role in documenting disputes has become evermore problematic. The Israeli-Palestinian situation is an inevitably divisive and difficult subject for a photographer to contend with. This exhibition offers no single set position on the discord, nor does it suggest a comfortable role for the photographer within it. Instead it offers a timely insight into the role and different approaches that photographers can have in conflict zones today. Camilla Jackson