Hellen van Meene »
Exhibition: 24 Feb – 31 Mar 2007
Van Zoetendaal
Keizersgracht 488
1017 EH Amsterdam

Van Zoetendaal Publishers
Oude Schans 67f
1011 KW Amsterdam
+31 (0)-618092399
Hellen van Meene shows a selection of 40 polaroids at Van Zoetendaal Gallery which she produced since 1996 when she started her career as an artist. Before Van Meene starts photographing her models with the Rolleiflex she uses a Polaroid camera to research light, composition and characteristic qualities of her models. Precious unpretentious images. Beloved by the artist and not for sale. View also: Portraits 1995 - 2006 - 25 February 2007 at Fotografisches Kabinett, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany www.museum-folkwang.de