Alberto García-Alix. Serie Closed Capture, 2005
Courtesy: adhoc galería
DFOTO International Contemporary Photography and Video-Art Fair
Fair: 3 May – 6 May 2007
Kursaal San Sebastiàn
Avda. de Zurriola, 1
20002 San Sebastián
+34 (943)-217057

Once again this year, on 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th May 2007, the Fundación Centro Ordóñez-Falcón de Fotografía (COFF) will organise the 4th International Contemporary Photography and Video Fair, DFOTO, at the Kursaal Centre in San Sebastian. Thanks to its consolidation in the last three years, DFOTO has become a must on the calendar for all professionals and lovers of photography and video. Proof of this is the rising number of visits by collectors and the general public experienced in the previous three years of the event. Although many galleries have shown an interest in participating in DFOTO, this year, on 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th May, 41 national and international galleries will therefore attend the Fair on invitation from the organisation: Adhoc (Vigo), Clairefontaine (Luxembourg), Estiarte (Madrid), Estrany de la Mota (Barcelona), Juan Silió (Santander), Filomena Soares (Lisbon, Portugal), Flatland Gallery (Utrecht, Holland), Fúcares (Madrid - Almagro), Gilles Peyroulet & Cie (Paris, France), Gimpel Fils (London, the UK), Kamel Mennour (Paris, France), La Fábrica Galería (Madrid), Les Filles du Calvaire (Paris), Mai 36 (Zurich, Switzerland), Max Estrella (Madrid), Moisés Pérez de Albéniz (Pamplona), Nogueras Blanchard (Barcelona), Galerie Paul Fréches (Paris, France), Palma XII (Villafranca del Penedés, Barcelona) Pedro Oliveira (Oporto, Portugal), ProjecteSD (Barcelona), Salvador Díaz (Madrid), Stefan Röpke (Madrid and Cologne, Germany), T20 (Murcia), Tomás March (Valencia), Toni Tápies (Barcelona), Visor (Valencia) and Vu’ La Galerie (Paris, France). In this 4th year, 13 galleries will moreover attend the San Sebastian International Contemporary Photography and Video Fair for the first time: Akinci (Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Bacelos (Pontevedra), Carlos Carvalho (Lisbon, Portugal), Cubo Azul (León), Fidel Balaguer (Barcelona), Grita Insam (Vienna, Austria), Layr Wuestenhagen (Vienna, Austria), L.A. Lothar (Frankfurt, Germany), Oliva Arauna (Madrid), Pradilla (Madrid), Rubicon (Dublin, Ireland), Soskine (New York, the USA) and The Project (New York, the USA).